Tuesday, March 6, 2018

3/6/18...71 degrees, windy and had some rain. Evan almost got ran over by Melissa at the school. Praising God for His protection. Played Euchre. Went to Publics for Almond Milk, cookies, batteries and spaghetti sauce

I looked out my bedroom window and saw this girl in the back and she reminded me so much of Hailey.  Makes me miss my Hailey girl
The weather sure has changed...Sunny skies are gone and the wind has picked up.  Warm  out, but the wind is crazy

Sue took this when I was telling her how to take the picture.  It was cute of Bill and the only people picture I have for today so I put it on

Got up to high waves with lots of wind and no sunshine.  In the low 70's here today so temperature was warm at least.  Melissa called very shook up because when she dropped the kids off, they got out one by one and went up to the door.  They just changed the policy two weeks ago after the Florida school shooting and now have a man standing outside the school, opening the door and letting students in.  Melissa got busy with Max's costume for the day, and thought she saw Evan go in the door.  Evan had asked for the change in the van before he got out because they were having penny wars in the school.  Max went in and Melissa checked the van to make sure nothing was left behind and waited to see Max go in.  Just then she started to pull forward and the car behind honked and the man by the door screamed to wait and came running.  Evan had dropped the money and had crawled under the van to get it.  If the guy wouldn't have been there, Melissa would have run over Evan.  She was so scared and still very upset and crying when she called me.  She had called Bruce first and he sent a message to the principal to thank the man.  The principal said she had seen it and it was SCARY (she put it in caps)  Said it could have ended much worse.  Evan looked terrified when he stood up by the van.  This is one thankful Nana.  I can't even imagine how horrible that would be.  I am thanking and praising God.  
We played Euchre.  Poor Charlie is getting discouraged because we have won 16 games and they have won 2.  He isn't giving up though.  We went to Publics to get a few things....milk, spaghetti sauce to add to what we have from the other night and cookies.  Charlie got some batteries too.  It was raining when we were out, but it didn't rain hard and didn't last long.  Charlie wanted to play more Euchre when we got back.  

What Melissa wrote about God protecting Evan this morning: 

Thanking God today for protecting my baby! Almost ran over Evan this morning when dropping him off at school. He had gotten out of the van and dropped his change for the penny war just as Max was getting out and I was distracted talking to him. Some of the change must have fallen under than van so Evan crawled under to get it. (I couldn't see him and did not know he did this.) I waited as Max walked up to the door and double checked the backseat to make sure nobody forgot anything. As I started to pull away, I heard a honk and then someone yell "Wait" so I immediately stopped. He ran up to the van yelling "Wait, he's under the van!" I still didn't know what he was talking about thinking maybe the kid from the car behind me somehow got caught under my back bumper or something. I thought Evan had already ran into the school. I didn't even realize it was Evan until he slowly got up from the ground and I could finally see him. He looked so scared and I could hear the fear in his voice as he told me he was getting his money that fell. As I pulled away from the school, panic struck me as it started to sink in what had just happened and how close it really was. I just sat there crying, thanking God over and over again. Going over it in my mind later on, I started thinking of all the little things that made this turn out the way it did. Only a couple weeks ago the school decided to have an adult always standing at the door to let the kids in. If it hadn't been for that, I wouldn't have known and the outcome would have been totally different. I will forever be grateful to him and his quick thinking to yell for me to stop. If I had pulled away any sooner, not checking the backseat or not waiting till Max made it up to the door, the outcome could have been totally different. If the car behind me hadn't honked, I might not have been paying enough attention to hear someone yelling "Wait" or maybe would have thought they were just talking to the car behind me. All these what if's are so scary to think about but it definitely shows that God was watching out for us today. And these were just a few of the little things that prevented this horrible thing from happening. I can't wait for my baby to get home from school so I can squeeze him extra tight, I might not want to let him go! As I talk to him about NEVER EVER crawling under a vehicle again, I will also be giving him some extra hugs and kisses. Sooooooo thankful!!!!

So I just want to say again, THANK YOU JESUS! I can’t say it enough! I won’t stop! He is such a gracious God! 

1 comment:

Kimmy said...

Still a cute picture and I'm glad you posted it. I love ALL the pictures! Thanks for keeping up on your blog! Love you and miss you both!!!