Thursday, July 21, 2016

7/21/16 Last night of VBS at New Life...The kids had so much fun

It was the last night of Vacation Bible School 
Max afterwards when they all had ice cream sandwiches
Peyton eating her ice cream
Jack with his yummy treat
Isaac with his ice cream
Peyton and Isaac with Miss Emily. She sure taught them well and they did such a good job.
Evan with his treat

lign: center;"> Max, Isaac, Peyton, Evan and Jack with their ice cream
Isaac and Peyton in their Block Party Shirts
Peyton and Isaac with their class. 

Hailey got up and we ate breakfast and then watched a Little House.  I took her home around 11 and then went to meet my BFF, Vikki at Famous Dave's for lunch.  We had the potato soup and salad special.  It was delicious.  It's always so nice to visit and catch up and pray together.  God has given me the best friend ever.  After that, we went to the Christian Book store and got some good deals.  We both bought a light up blessing thing and a beautiful picture frame.  Bought the movie, Miracles from Heaven and Woodlawn.  At two, she had to meet her brother and I had to go to the movie theatre and get popcorn for the Rescue Mission.  They gave me a huge garbage bag all the way full.  Not a little kitchen garbage bag but a big black one  I stopped at Meijer's and then went to Melissa's.  Filled two of her big containers with some popcorn because I knew we would never use it all at the Rescue Mission.  They were pretty happy.  Bill was too when I got home and gave him some.  Will have to tell them to only fill it half way next time.  The kids all had fun at VBS and Vikki took the great pics above.   Peyton, Isaac and their class that took music were up on the altar leading worship with Miss Emily.  They did such a great job.  Loved that Vikki videoed them.  We went to the Rescue Mission and showed the Movie, War Room.  Wes, Gayla, Loraine, Isaac, Bill and I were the ones from Faith Riders that came.  They all loved the movie, and there were lots of laughs and comments during the movie.  So many came up to us afterward and thanked us for coming.  One guy started talking to me and then I asked him if he wanted us to pray for him.  He did so Bill and I prayed for him.  This outreach is my favorite and I am so blessed during it.  We went to bed and while I was laying there I heard something on the ceiling.  I thought maybe it was a mouse upstairs so just kept listening.  Bill had his earplugs in so didn't hear anything.  A few minutes later something hit my hair.  I brushed it off right away and thought something fell off the ceiling.  I jumped out of bed and told Bill I had to see what it was.  I screamed as i saw a bat on the floor.  Bill moved really quick out of bed then.  It disappeared and Bill told me it didn't come on his side of the room.  We looked under the bed and all over and I found it on his side of the room on the curtain.  It moved again.    I shut the door and went to get a container and a broom.  I gave it to Bill and left the room again.  He called me back because he needed something to slip under the container to keep the bat in. It escaped and then he got it under the broom.  I got a container with a lid and slipped it over the bat and then slipped the cover on underneath.  Too much excitement for me for sure.  Funny thing is, Vikki was telling me that her mom and dad have bats and they are trying to get rid of them.  Weird I 
Bill moved really quick out of bed then.would see a bat the same night.  

Max's class...he's by Marti Meyer
Jack playing soccer.  Looking good
Peyton and Isaac learning to worship and do the motions.
Love this cute picture of Isaac and Peyton
View from the sound board

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