Wednesday, July 6, 2016

7/5/16. Marie and Roy came for the day

At chapel in the woods

Fun day with Marie and Roy 

Peyton and Isaac 

On our walk this kid was riding his bike sitting backward. He was amazing. lucky shake... 2000. Got another 2000 in the game too

It was a beautiful day in the high 80's.marie and Roy came up for the day. We visited lots and took a long walk around the campground.  Bill grilled chicken and I grilled potatoes.  Had corn on the cob and watermelon too.  Visited more and then Bill , Roy and Marie had to leave.  Vikki and the kids and I went swimming and to the hot tub.  Their were cute 8 ye old twin boys there.  They looked identical but weren't.  Took a walk down every road of the campground!played 3-13 and dice

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