Friday, December 30, 2016

12/30/16...went to the dentist to get a partial, went to Sam's club with Vikki, Peyton and Isaac, Stacie came over

Bill went to the Sports Zone and Tony's daughter's came there and asked Bill to do Tony's funeral.  Bill said he would be honored.  I left to go to my dentist appointment at 10.  Just a quick appointment to get my partial.  Sure do like my dentist and the people in his office.  They are all so nice.  After my appointment, I picked Vikki and the kids up and we went to Sam's Club.  They had yummy nuts for samples as we came in the door, but no more samples anywhere else and this was a Friday.  Couldn't figure out why.  We got the stuff we needed and then we went to Taco Bell for lunch.  Couldn't believe everything fit in the trunk of my car.  I had a huge thing of paper towels, toilet paper and Vikki had a huge bag of dog food, plus other stuff.  Stopped at Jacks on our way to Vikki's so she could get milk and whipped cream.  Went in for a few minutes and then left to come home.  Stacie called and came over shortly after we were home and visited quite a while. Feeling bad with all she is going through with her dad and his PTSD.  She sure is a dear person and a giver.  We had a nice talk with her and then prayed over her.  We ate left over roast, carrots and potatoes and then watched a movie.  Kimmy texted and said Eli is sick again and Andrew is feeling sick.  Praying more!  Melissa texts and Max and Jack were both puking and now Hailey isn't feeling well.  Still praying!  Praying those who didn't have it don't get it.

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