Wednesday, December 14, 2016

12/14/16...Went to see Wes before his triple bypass and sat with Gayla during his surgery

The kids practicing their songs

My pretty Angel Peyton

Bill at the hospital while Wes was having a triple Bypass.  Gayla's sister in law, Karen, was crocheting a hat and then she blessed Bill with it.  He sure was happy.  Janet is laughing at how funny he was.

Kenzie sent me this picture of her getting ready for her interview at the hospital

Got up at 4:30 and got ready to go to the hospital.  We wanted to see Wes and pray for him before he had his surgery.  We got there and they were preping him.  We waited with Gayla, Janet and Ed and then they came and got us and we all got to go pray with him.  He was pretty groggy by that time.  They started his surgery at 8.  We went to the cafeteria and had breakfast.  I had a breakfast sandwich with bacon and egg.  Gayla's brother and sister in law came and found us there.  Wes was done with the triple bypass by 10:30 and he was moved to ICU recovery.  We left once we knew he was ok.  I called Gayla and she said when she got to see him he was still pretty much out of it.  He did squeeze her hand back when she squeezed his though.  He was still on the vent.  I came home and wrapped more Christmas gifts.  Went to church for my class.  The kids got there early to practice the Christmas play.  Evan and Jack sat by me and so did Addison and Kaiden.  They haven't been there enough to be in it.  Melissa was pretty busy with 3 kids in the Boar's Head Festival.  The kids did a good job and were really cute.  We went to our classroom afterward and made cards for the elderly.  Then we went to the 4th grade room and had cocoa, popcorn and watched movies. We all had fun.  Aleiyah gave me gift package with Lotion, Shower gel, and fragrance spray from Bath and Body works.  Such a surprise.  It had a note on it saying "for taking care of 10 Nelsons"  They have 10 kids in their family.  Really sweet of them and Aleiyah was so happy because she picked out the scent.  

1 comment:

Vikkis Blog said...

wow thats a nice hat, i need to learn how to crochet!