Tuesday, August 7, 2018

8/7/18....Kimmy and the boys came over, We went to Vikki's and ate lunch, went to visit Melissa at the Rehab, Kenzie and Travis were at Vikki's and came to our house later. Bill and I went to visit Roy and Marie, Got a Frappe and Bill got a shake from McDonalds

Picture Kenzie's Omi gave to Kenzie.  Kenzie got the frame and gave it to her mom

Kenzie and Wyatt
Kenzie climbing the tree and Peyton watching

Me and my beautiful Kenzie

Eli, Peyton, Isaac and Kody eating lunch

Kenzie, Travis, Peyton and Isaac playing a card game at the Rehab

Travis and Kenzie

Jacob and Kenzie


Kenzie and Peyton

Peyton, Adam, Kody, Jacob, Isaac, Kenzie and Travis

Adam, Kenzie, Travis
Peyton, Isaac

travis, Isaac, Peyton

Kenzie and Travis

Kody and Kenzie

Kody and Jacob

Eli, Jacob, Peyton, Kenzie, Isaac, Kody and Adam

Kenzie, Kody, Isaac, Eli and Peyton

Kody and Vikki

Vikki, Kenzie and Melissa
Kimmy, Melissa and Vikki

Eli, Jacob, Melissa and Adam

Travis, Isaac, Peyton, Kenzie, Kody and Eli learning a new game


Melissa and Kody

Adam, me, Kenzie, Peyton, Isaac, Travis and Jacob in the cafeteria at the Rehab

Travis, Isaac and Kody

Adam, and Kenzie playing the line/initial game

Kenzie and Travis

Vikki braided Kenzie's hair...so pretty.  Adam in background

Kimmy, me, Kenzie, Travis, Eli, Adam, Peyton, Isaac, Kody, Jacob and Vikki

Travis and Kenzie

Melissa and Vikki

Melissa and Helen

Kenzie building a card tower

Kenzie and Travis

Jacob and Kenzie

Silly kiddos
Melissa and Kimmy.  Melissa is always so joyful and such an example
Melissa with her flowers from the church and flowers from us in the background.  Lots of balloons from the kiddos

W went to breakfast at Sullivans.  This is Louise's last time to be there before she moves this weekend to Petosky.  After breakfast, Bill and I went to vote.  Came home and Kimmy and the boys got here shortly after.  Wyatt was with them which was really nice. Love that doggie.  We left and went to Vikki's.  Kenzie and Travis came to Vikki's too.  We made pizzas and salad.  Ate and went to the Rehab to see Melissa.  Kimmy, Eli and Kody went to therapy with Melissa and the rest of us waited in the cafeteria.  We started a game of 3-13, but didn't finish it.  Melissa got out of therapy and we all hung out in the cafeteria.  After that we went outside which was really nice for the kids.  The sun wasn't out so it was pretty nice sitting outside.  Helen's son came and talked to us.  He didn't know he could go watch his mom in therapy and didn't know he could take her outside.  He said she would love going outside.  He left and we went up to see if Helen (she's 95) would want to come outside with us.  She had just got in bed, but told the nurses she wanted to get up and come outside with us.  She was so happy we took her out.  We sat outside visiting for a long time.  We all get so much joy from seeing Helen happy and doing what we can to make her happy.  What a sweet person she is.  We had to get going, so we took Helen and Melissa back up to their room.  We left and I headed home.  Started making bacon for BLT's.  Kenzie and Travis called and were coming to  pick up Isaac's phone.  They ate BLT's with me.  Bill had an appt. and ate when he  got home shortly after we finished eating.  He and I went to visit Marie.  She is doing so much better and starting to get around lots better.  We stopped at McDonalds and used a coupon code for a shake for Bill and a Frappe for me.  What a fun day!

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