Thursday, July 26, 2018

7/26/18...Melissa called and wanted me to come to see her, Bill came up and brought us donuts, Played Tonk and Melissa won again, Went to G's with Faith Riders

Gayla, Wes, Chuck, Don and Bill getting ready to pray before we ride to G's Pizzeria in Bay City
I got up and saw a text from Melissa asking me to come up this morning.  I got ready right away and went up to see her.  Bruce has to work today.  I ordered her breakfast and then went downstairs and got a spinach omelet and hashbrowns for me to eat with her.  She sat in the chair for a long time and we played another game of Tonk.  She beat me again!  The neurologist, Dr. Gill, came in to see Melissa.  She had to see a neurologist to be able to go to the rehab.  He was very nice and called Melissa's neurologist in Owosso to consult with her.  They are having an MRI done and doubling the dose of Diamox she is on.  Tonight she will have an MRI.  Bill came and brought us donuts.  Before he left, Melissa was going to order lunch.  He told her to order two chicken strips, but she said she couldn't do that with her spaghetti.  They know she doesn't eat that much.  She did order him some chicken noodle soup he asked for though, and two cookies.  Bill and I went downstairs and had lunch real quick and then he left and didn't even go back up to have the soup he wanted.  I ate it for him though. I stayed until around 3 when Melissa had therapy and was also going to get a breathing treatment.  The room was too crowded and I didn't want to wait in the hall that long.  Bruce was coming soon too, so I figured he would be there when they were done.  Met at Meijer's to ride to G's Pizzeria in Bay City.  There were six of us who went.  It was a nice ride and the food was great.  When we got home, Bill and I took the Clam down before it rains tonight.  While we were at G's I got a message from Melissa.  She had the MRI of her brain and neck at 7.  Praying for a good report and something that can be fixed easily to take care of the Clonis. I sure love that girl!

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