Friday, July 13, 2018

7/13/18....Went to Melissa's and took sloppy joes for lunch. Took Dinner to Marie and Roy. She is finally home from the hospital

Hailey with a cicada
Jack and Evan looking at it
Max, Evan and Jack with Jeffrey and his friends (Herzberger's guinea pigs)
Max and Evan
Adam, Eli, Wyatt (in cage) and Jacob on their way to Indiana bookworm

Max and Evan
 Some pictures Ginny took at the Loons game and Melissa sent them to me because I loved them

Evan being goofy

Did some sorting and cleaned some drawers upstairs.  at Lunchtime, I went to Melissa' and took sloppy joes for her and the kids.  Bruce was already home.  He took Melissa to get her brace fixed so it doesn't keep causing blisters.  Took pictures of the kids when I was there.   In the evening, Bill and I took a meal to Roy and Marie.  Marie just got out of the hospital yesterday.  She has been sick for a month and in pain and Roy is in his 80's so wanted to help them out.  We had a nice visit with them.  are home and ate and watched the movie, Mountain Top. The guys working got the electrical plugs changed and new sub floors in, tore dry all out.  Looking nice

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