Monday, July 23, 2018

7/23/18...Worked on loading camper, Hailey and I went to get groceries, then to Taco Bell, Took Hailey and Evan to meet Vikki and the kids at Haithco. Evan went home with Vikki and I Took Hailey home.

Vikki took all of these great pictures




Love this cute picture of Evan and Isaac kissing Peyton

Silly Pictures

Another cute picture of Peyton, Evan and Isaac

Hailey and I had fun going to Bed Bath and Beyond, Aldi's, and then Kroger's to shop.  She picked out some pretty good treats and yummy cereal.  Got stuff to take for camping trip to BayShore.  Hailey was a big help loading and unloading groceries.  After that we went to Haithco to hang out in our hammocks while Peyton, Isaac and Evan swam and played on the beach.  I didn't remember to take any pictures.  Vikki took Evan home with her and Hailey and I came back to my house.  She packed her stuff and I took her home as she has a dr. appointment at U of M tomorrow.  We anointed her with oil and prayed for her at breakfast this morning.  Believing for a good report.
She sure is a special sweetie.   I came home and packed the tent so if fit in the case.  Bill had to go to an Elder's meeting.  I patched the tiny holes in the carrying case to the clam.  Loaded refrigerator and freezer stuff in the camper.  I'm getting all of my stuff done so I will be able to help Melissa.  Put step covers on so Melissa won't hurt her knees when she crawls up them while we are camping.  Got lots done today.

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