Monday, September 5, 2016

9/4-16...Fun talent show tonight. Elaine sang a beautiful patrioticmedley

We had a fun day.  Went to the worship service and church service.  Wes, Gayla, Lupe and Matt, Elaine, and Brian went on a ride to Port Austin.  Bill and I had to go to a president's meeting for CMA, so we couldn't go.  We got done at the meeting and Sabrina, Bill, Isaac and Yolanda got here.  We sat visiting and then went golfing when it opened.  We all had so much fun.  Yolanda was so funny...not a serious golfer for sure..just lots of fun.  She was hitting her ball quickly as many times as it took to get in on some holes.  We did lots of laughing.  Bill won.  Isaac, Bill and I tied for second.  For some reason I was doing pretty good for a change.  Even got a hole in one on the Daniel and the Lion's den hole.  Couldn't believe it.  We finished and those that took the ride got back at the same time.  Elaine's parents came and we all had a potluck.  Andrea and her family came too before they had to go be pool guards.  We prayed over her for her broken ankle.   Our potluck was nice.  We had lots of good food.  Afterward, we went to the talent show in the tabernacle.  Much amazing talent!  Great voices and funny skits.  One guy played "It is well with my soul" on a saw and it was amazing.  Elaine sang a Patriotic Medley and it was so good.  Everyone stood for the whole thing.  So touching.  We all played cards in the hospitality room after church.  Elaine spent the night in our camper because this weird guy seemed to be following her all weekend.  Bill went out and talked to him as he was hanging around our camper for 15 min. after she came in our camper which was weird.  She doesn't even know him.  Bill also went and talked to the group he is with.  We heard a motorcycle leave shortly after that.  Didn't see him all day so It must have been him leaving.  All week Elaine would come in from the motorcycle camper and we would do devotions together.  She practiced some of her songs too.  This was her first time there.  Her hubby didn't come, but she is hoping next year he does.  

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