Tonight was Kenzie's graduation from 5th grade. Where did the time go? Next year it's off to Middle School for her. It was a nice ceremony. Vikki, Rody, Carol, Ed, Grandma Monroe and her sister, Bill and I were all there. We went to the Texan afterwards to celebrate. Kenzie and her teacher, Mr. B.
We had a nice day today. We went to church, then went out with a couple from church for a nice lunch. On our way home we decided to call Kimmy and Jared and go to look at campgrounds. We liked them all. We forgot to take pictures of all of them but the last one. It is the smallest and least developed so far, but it beautiful. We were all excited about going to each of them. Jared did get warned about speeding in the one campground. The speed limit was 5 mph and he had to be going at least 10 mph. We went out to eat on our way home. We had a very enjoyable time.
Today we took Hailey to dance class and she went right in and did all of her dances. We were so happy and proud of her. She did a great job! We came home and the kids played and had so much fun. Kenzie called us to look at a frog and when we saw it we couldn't believe how big it was. It was amazing. We were going to catch it but it would hop so high and far and we couldn't get it. It landed by my foot once and all I could do was scream because it was so big it scared me. Oh, well. We almost had it once. I have never seen such a big frog before. It was bigger than Melissa's hand. I took a video to for a comparison but didn't get a regular snapshot.