Who's that baby in the helmet? Why it's baby Jack. More ice cream and look who is scooping...Wes and Gayla The tabernacle where we went each morning and evening for Bible teaching, worship, and preaching Our nightly ice cream at family camp Our wonderful friends and neighbors while camping, Wes, Gayla, Joel (holding Jack)
Kenzie and her friends having fun at water world... Max with fan sucker nana got him. Fun at water world. Jack the happy camper Hailey having juice with her friends Nana with her sweet grandsons, Max and Jack
We had a great time at family camp this year. Baby Jack was 11 days old when we got there and was the best camper ever. So much to do there and so much fun, plus great Christian teachers and evangelists. Beach day is always fun for the kids and adults. I will put some pictures of waterworld on tomorrow.Hailey and Max were always excited to ride the train which came each day from 4 to 5pm. They would ride it over and over again. Kenzie loved riding it until this year. She played volleyball with her friends instead this year. She even skipped our nightly ice cream to play volleyball. She's growing up on us....boo hoo for nana...I'd like to keep her little if I could.