Friday, January 15, 2010

1/14/10 Kenzie's Orchestra Concert

Vikki and Misty came over to help get Kenzie ready for her concert. Misty
fixed Kenzie's hair really pretty with lots of curls. Kenzie looked really pretty in her uniform. We headed off to the concert which we thought started at 6:30, but ended up starting at 7 pm. Omi, Poppi, Vikki, Misty, Papa and I had very good seats.
Kenzie and the whole orchestra, choir, and band all did an excellent job. It was fantastic. Vikki gave Kenzie beautiful peach roses and papa and I gave her red roses.


Kimmy said...

Kenzie looks beautiful. Thanks for posting pictures. Love ya!

Melissa said...

Kenzie looks really nice. Love those last two pictures of her. Can't wait to watch the videos of her concert.