Isaac on our walk this morning
Hailey, Peyton, Isaac and Evan
Papa and me at the wedding
Dennis and Dad waiting for the bride to come in
Beautiful couple and wonderful friends |
Bill, Demnis and Amy
The bride and groom
Got up early and Isaac and I took our morning walk. Missing Kimmy and the boys this morning. Went to their site to make sure nothing was left behind as they left in the dark. Only found a yellow tent stake and leg cap. We walked around the campground and when we jgot back to the camper Hailey was there. She and I went on a bike ride and when we got to their campsite, Jack and Mac joined us. They rode with us for a while and then stayed to ride with Evan. Hailey and I played ChristiN music while we rode. When we got back I read the last chapter of Malachi to Hailey. Melissa and kids came and we took the screen tent down so she could see how easy it is. Vikki started packing to go home. She is taking Mocha for us since we ha be to go to the wedding. Thanks Vikki
Melissa walked Mocha for me. Thanks Melissa. Brown we left to go home before the wedding. Went to get ink and then stopped at Taco Bell. Let Kenzie know we were home as she wanted to come get some clothes. Happy to see her when she stopped. She played her guitar and I love listening to her. Went to the wedding. Bill did a great job marrying them. They are such a sweet couple.
Sat with Rich and Pat and another young couple we didn't know. They were amazing and were born again! We had a great time talking about the Lord. We had walleye, potatoes, veggies, salad, rolls and cake. Everything was delicious! Got back to the campground, went to a campfire at Bruce and Melissa's. Sure am missing Vikki and the kiddos. I beat Bill at 3-13 and we tied at dice