Sunday, October 29, 2017

10/23/17...Went to the fire station that was by the World Trade Centers and was the only one to lose all of it's fire fighters (So sad).Went to Central Park,Went to Rockefeller Center,St Patricks, The Trump Tower, Grand Central Station, Herald Square, Empire State Bldg, and Macy's

Beautiful fountain at our hotel

Pants with boots ready to jump in

Bill and I at the fire station

Bill and a fireman who helped at 9/11

This huge fire truck had a driver in the front and a driver in the back.  I took a video to show the grandsons how they backed it up into the spot next to the fire truck in the top picture.  It just fit.

Doorway John Lennon was shot in.

John and Yoko Lennon lived on the top floor with the gate around it.  She is in her 80's and still lives there.  They loved Central Park which is across the street to the right

In Central Park

Memorial John Lennon's wife had made for him in central Park

Strawberry fields sign in Central Park

Loved this tree

Angel Fountain 

Beautiful ceiling and walkway under the road in Central Park

Me and Bill

Beautiful Pond in Central Park we walked around

American Girl Store

Ice Skating Rink in Rockefeller Center

Rockefeller Plaza

NBC News

Inside Rockefeller Plaza

Ice Skating and it's 76 degrees out

Lego Display of the ice skating rink in the lego store across the street from the rink

Bill...The building behind him has green plants growing and looks like icicles hanging from them

Rockefeller Center

St. Patrick's Cathedral

St. Patrick's

Bill in front of Trump Tower.  Lots of Police protection there.

Inside Trump Tower

Bill and I in front of Trump Tower

NBC Observation Deck

Radio City

The United Nations

The United Nations

Grand Central Station 

Grand Central Station

Grand Central Station

Grand Central Station

Grand Central Station

See the guy in the right corner....he is facing the corner and talking.   Bill and I tried it and when you talk in the one corner and the other person is in the corner across from you, you can hear them as plain as can be

The Chrysler Building is the building with the point  in the background. The tour guide said it's the prettiest building in New York
The Empire State Building

Inside the Empire State Bldg.

Bill and I inside the Empire State Building

Wes and Gayla
Macy's, the World's Largest block big and 9 stories tall.  On fifth Avenue!
Bill by the wooded escalators in Macy's....we rode on many of them as we went from floor to floor

Bill on the old wooden escalator in Macy's.  They are beautiful

Harald Square...We sat out here for a while after we shopped and waited for our bus.  It was a warm and beautiful evening
Empire State Building at Night.  They change the color every night.

This is a street where they cut any kind of diamond you want.  The street lights are diamond shaped.  I took it from the bus, but you can see the light

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