I didn’t take any pictures. I got up and got ready because I didn’t know what time Maddy was going to come over. I wanted to see her message when she sent it. When she texted me, she wanted to come after her fitness class so she would be here around 5. I let her know I had to go to prayer at 6:10, so we changed the day to Thursday. That worked out good because I had the day open to go visit Marie. I talked to Roy and he was going to have to leave for an hour around 1, so I told him I would be there at 12:30.
I made sloppy joes and mashed potatoes so I could give them some food. I also had picked up blueberry muffins yesterday, so I packed them a couple of those. Kenzie called me and we talked for a little while. Later she sent me a video of the yummy cabbage buns and veggie soup she made. She is a great cook and loves doing it. I got to Marie and Roy’s house, and Roy had parked out on the road so I could pull up by the garage. I went in and we all visited. Marie had to sit in her recliner so she could keep her arm from moving. She did ok as long as she kept it in a certain position and kept taking her pain meds on schedule. Roy left after about 45 minutes and Marie and I kept visiting. Roy came back after an hour, and joined us again. Marie had me fix her a plate with a sloppy Joe and mashed potatoes. I asked Roy is he was ready to eat and he was, so I fixed him one too. They both shared one of the muffins when they were done. They were big Sam’s Club muffins. I did the dishes and then we visited for a while more, then I anointed her with oil and Roy and I prayed over her. She has an appointment with an orthopedic doctor on Thursday.
When I got home I read my Bible and relaxed with Bill. He had sloppy Joe with nachos. I took a half hour rest while he ate. After I got up, I ate a sloppy Joe too. Then I went to church for intercessory prayer. We worshiped first. then had an amazing time of prayer. We had a young couple from church come for prayer, and we prayed for many in our church going though sickness and other big things.
I came home and Bill and I snacked on some cashews and M & M’s.