Friday, February 28, 2025

Friday, 2/28/25, Kimmy, Vikki, Melissa, Hailey, Peyton, and Isaac over, Travis came over and dropped Rehvyn off, fun day hanging out together, Bill and I watched a good movie in the evening

Isaac and I each wore our New Life sweatshirts today
Made homemade rolls, got soup from Souper Cafe, (Chicken Noodle for Bill, Stuffed Pepper soup for Vikki, and Pot Pie Soup for Kimmy, Melissa, Hailey and I.  Peyton and Isaac wanted pizza and rolls.
Isaac chillin
Melissa and Peyton 
Rehvyn being swung in a blanket by Kimmy and Hailey
We took lots of pictures of Rehvyn....he is such a happy boy
Kit Kat looked in the window by my plants, then saw me sitting across the room.  She quickly came to the window behind me and scratched it so I would know she was there
Rehvyn fell asleep when Kimmy and Hailey were swinging him.  They carried him upstairs in the blanket and put it in his bed
Hailey was so happy to see Rehvyn...she learned to to and EKG and stuck a couple on his tummy to make it look like he had one....she is such a fun girl


More cute pictures of Rehvyn....Kimmy sent me these ones and also the ones of Jared opening his birthday card and gift from us

We were so happy to get these pictures and the video of Jared opening his birthday card and gift from us.  He is so cute!

I got up at 6:30 and added water and yeast to the bread makers, then started the dough cycle.  I went back to bed and got up at ten to 8.  I fed Kit Kat and gave her a treat and some attention.  Then I put good worship music on.  I got ready and shortly after Vikki, Peyton, Isaac, and Kimmy got here.   I was happily surprised to see the kids as I didn’t know they had the day off.  Yay!  We talked to Kenzie and she asked if Rehvyn could come spend the night at her house.  Kenzie had Travis bring him.  We enjoyed visiting with Travis for a while, then enjoyed having Rehvyn here.  I called Melissa to let her know what time we were going to eat and she came over just when it was just about ready.  She was so happy to see Peyton, Isaac and Rehvyn.  We all had fun hanging out. She called Hailey to let her know she should come to Nana’s.  She was just going to go home.  She sure was happy to hear Rehvyn was here.  I baked the rolls, then I put a pizza in the toaster oven and got the soup I had picked up at Souper Cafe out and warmed it.  I was going to make dough bread bowls, but everyone wanted rolls so that is what I did.  We had warm rolls just out of the oven and our soup.  We all were full when we finished eating. Peyton and Isaac wanted pizza.  When Hailey got here she gave Rehvyn some attention and then she ate too.  Then she had fun with Rehvyn again.  He is so cute, so smily and so smart.  Rehvyn took a nap after being swung in the blanket.  We all visited more, then Hailey had to leave.  It was such a fun day.  I had Jared’s present ready for Kimmy to take to him.  We were gone and I almost forgot to give it to him.  Happy I remembered.  It was so nice of Kimmy to take a video and take pictures.  

Bill and I watched a really good movie in the evening.  It got very windy and it sure was howling outside.  

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Thursday, 2/27/25, Met Maddy at Biggby, Melody came over at 11, in the evening Wes and Gayla picked us up and we went to The Rock fundraiser

Adam and Hope’s 1 year of dating celebration
Jacob and Abby
Fundraiser/dinner for “The Rock”. Great program to help kids see their value and reach their goals.  Our friend Cindy works for the Rock and invited us.  All of the kids kept our table supplied with ice tea, lemonade and water

I was happy Kimmy sent me these pictures.  I didn’t take any again but Bill did, so I’m posting his and Kimmy’s.  
I met Maddy at Biggby at 9 this morning.  We had a good visit and discussed what we’ve read in John in the Bible.  When we were almost done, Melody called me and asked if she should still come over for mentoring.  I am glad she called first, because I forgot to put it in my calendar, but had thought I did only thought it was a different day.  I headed home and got a few things done, then Melody came and we spent an hour talking, praying and thanking God for answered prayer.  I’ve known her a long time from going to church together, but haven’t really hung out together, so I am enjoying getting to know her better.
After she left, Bill told me he cut his hair today.  He pretty much shaved it is what I would say.  It’s better than when he cut it unevenly a few years ago.

I did some cleaning today and some bird watching.  A squirrel got on the flat feeder and tipped it and the seed went all over the ground.  I didn’t enjoy that.  Lots of turkeys have been in our yard the past 2 days.  I didn’t see any Toms though.  

I read my Bible.  Bill beat me and had his read already.  We relaxed for a while, then Wes and Gayla picked us up at 5:30 and we went to the fundraiser for “The Rock”.  We had gone last year, so wanted to go again this year.  It is such a great program for kids.  Lots of kids gave their testimonies.  When we left, there were lots of kids lined up on both sides as we walked down the hall.  They were cheering for us and giving us high fives.  

I talked to Marie and her doctor appointment went really good.  The break in her shoulder is a straight break, so it should heal on its own and no surgery should be needed.  More answered prayer.  Praise the Lord!!!

We came home and I got ingredients for bread dough in my bread makers.  Tomorrow morning I will just add the water and the yeast and start the bread makers.  


Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Wed., 2/26/25, Went to Cathy’s with Melissa, tried to get Kernel Burner igniter to work,

Aww, I hadn’t seen this picture of Rehvyn with Wyatt.  It’s so sweet. 

 I didn’t take any pictures today.  I got ready and went to Melissa’s to pick her up so we could go visit Cathy.  Melissa took her a decorated bag with cookies and pretzels in it.  It sure made Cathy happy.  I took her a watchband I ordered like mine.  She liked it too.  It is much easier to put on than the kind that came with her watch.  We met her caregiver who went to school with her but was two grades behind.  She was so nice.  We all had a great visit and Cathy had Melissa share her testimony about when she was on the youth camping trip when she got sick and how God brought her through so much and did so many miracles and sent so many to pray for her.  What an awesome God.  We stayed for a couple of hours, then we picked up bread bowls and soup from Souper Cafe and took it to eat at Melissa.  It was so good.  Very filling though.  

I worked on getting the kernel burner to work after my cleaning job yesterday.  No success.  I read up on everything.  We might need to replace the igniter.  We can start it with a cotton ball with vaseline on it, but decided to keep it clean so it can be checked out.  

We both took a long nap.  With everything going on it’s been an emotional couple of days, so rest was good.  Thinking of Wyatt lots and praying for Kimmy, Jared and the boys.  

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Tuesday,2/25/25, Got up in the 50’s today and was sunny. Went to Roy and Marie’s, went to prayer in the evening

 I didn’t take any pictures.  I got up and got ready because I didn’t know what time Maddy was going to come over.  I wanted to see her message when she sent it.  When she texted me, she wanted to come after her fitness class so she would be here around 5.  I let her know I had to go to prayer at 6:10, so we changed the day to Thursday.  That worked out good because I had the day open to go visit Marie.  I talked to Roy and he was going to have to leave for an hour around 1, so I told him I would be there at 12:30.  

I made sloppy joes and mashed potatoes so I could give them some food.  I also had picked up blueberry muffins yesterday, so I packed them a couple of those.  Kenzie called me and we talked for a little while.  Later she sent me a video of the yummy cabbage buns and veggie soup she made.  She is a great cook and loves doing it.  I got to Marie and Roy’s house,  and Roy had parked out on the road so I could pull up by the garage.  I went in and we all visited.  Marie had to sit in her recliner so she could keep her arm from moving.  She did ok as long as she kept it in a certain position and kept taking her pain meds on schedule.  Roy left after about 45 minutes and Marie and I kept visiting.  Roy came back after an hour, and joined us again.  Marie had me fix her a plate with a sloppy Joe and mashed potatoes.  I asked Roy is he was ready to eat and he was, so I fixed him one too.  They both shared one of the muffins when they were done.  They were big Sam’s Club muffins.  I did the dishes and then we visited for a while more, then I anointed her with oil and Roy and I prayed over her.   She has an appointment with an orthopedic doctor on Thursday.  

When I got home I read my Bible and relaxed with Bill.  He had sloppy Joe with nachos.  I took a half hour rest while he ate.  After I got up, I ate a sloppy Joe too.  Then I went to church for intercessory prayer. We worshiped first. then had an amazing time of prayer.  We had a young couple from church come for prayer, and we prayed for many in our church going though sickness and other big things.

I came home and Bill and I snacked on some cashews and M & M’s.  

Monday, February 24, 2025

Monday, 2/24/25,, Very Sad Day. Our Wyatt died last night. Very sad and many tears. Also great pictures to remember him by and great memories to match. We all sure loved him!

I started praying for Wyatt in the evening when Kimmy sent a group text to Melissa, Vikki and I.  I was really concerned about him, but never expected to wake up to Bill telling me he had died.  I cried many tears, and prayed for comfort for Kimmy, Jared, Jacob, Adam and Eli as I know how heartbroken they were and how hard this is to go through.  I am heartbroken too. I called Kimmy and we talked and cried more tears. She sent me lots of great pictures of Wyatt, and it was just what I needed.  Along with prayer, all those memories are helping us get us through this sadness.  He was just the best dog! I loved our Wyatt Dog, and so did the rest of our family.  He always gave me such a great greeting when he saw me and let me know I was one of his special people.   I am going to miss him and those greetings so much.  Vikki called me and we cried more tears and tried to comfort each other.  After that Melissa and I talked and shed more tears and tried to comfort each other.  I FaceTimed Kenzie since I saw she tried to FaceTime me.   It brought me lots of joy seeing her and sweet Rehvyn.  Kenzie felt as sad as the rest of us.  All the other grandkids took it hard too.  I let my best friend Vikki know and also my sister Brenda.  I texted Stacie.  I knew they would pray because they are just like us when it comes to our pets being part of the family.  He sure was a loved doggie.  
My favorite picture I took of Wyatt.  I had been sitting in that chair and got up for a minute and he sat right down in the chair and smiled so big to let me know he had stolen my seat.
When he stayed with us once, he went right to Bill’s spot and laid down.  
These two pictures were on my blog post.  What a smart, loving, fun, loyal, funny, dog (who thought he was a person)  

                                  He will always be a part of our special family memories. 

This is a job I had to do, even though I didn’t want to get at it after hearing about Wyatt.  In the afternoon, I got it done though.

This little sweetheart sure brings us lots of joy.  He took my mind off from Wyatt for a few minutes with his cuteness and amazing smile. 

Melissa came over in the evening while Jack was at Fencing.  She helped me find my favorite picture of Wyatt.  It was so good to have her here.  Family sure helps to comfort each other in sad times.  I took a shower and wondered if it was too late to call Marie and see how her hurting ear was doing.  When I got out of the shower, she called me.  She had walked down the basement steps, when she got to the 3rd step from the bottom, her foot slipped and she did a flip.  An ambulance came and they took her to a Medical Express place.  She asked about going to the hospital, but they said all the hospitals around her were full of sick people and they didn’t have any rooms.  She broke her left shoulder in the fall.  They gave her something for pain, but it wasn’t working well.  She’s home with her arm in a sling.  She will have to see an orthopedic doctor.  

All prayers are appreciated.  What a day this was.  So thankful we have God to get us through.  

Saturday, February 22, 2025

2/23/25, Went to prayer then church, went to Railtrail Restaurant for lunch to celebrate Greg’s Birthday, Merijo and Greg’s 52nd anniversary, and Jada and Jenna’s 20th birthday, filled bird feeders, Vikki FaceTimed me so I could see Rehvyn, Praying for Wyatt!!!!

New Church sweatshirt we each got.  Only $10.  They all sold out quickly!
It got up to the mid 30’s today which was so nice and it melted the bath to feed the birds.  I had to walk through snow when I filled the feeders.  

 We got ready and then went to prayer.  We went into the church service afterwards.  Worship was so awesome.  Pastor Dan gave a great message too. We prayed for people after church.  We came home and changed, then went to Midland to the RailTrail restaurant for dinner to celebrate Greg’s Birthday, Greg and Merijo’s 52 anniversary and Jada and Jena {who I taught Sunday School to when they were in K-1st grades) 20th Birthday. Their sister, Jessica, was there too.  She is 20 now.  They are all the same age for a while.  I was so happy to see them and they were so sweet and gave me big hugs. Kera, their cousin, was there also.  We sat with Dennis, Amy and Dennis’s mom Sheron.  It was nice getting to talk to them.  They used to come to our Caregroup when we had them.  Dennis came first.  He had us praying that he would find someone nice to marry.  God answered and brought the sweetest and best to him.  Bill married them. We’ve been close ever since.

We took naps in the afternoon.  I sure enjoyed when Vikki FaceTimed me with Rehvyn and Peyton.  Sweet cute kiddos.  

Kimmy texted us to pray for Wyatt.  He’s lethargic and not eating.  Bill and I prayed right away.  Vikki called to make sure we saw the text.  Then I called Melissa to make sure she saw the text.  We all love our Wyatt.  Prayers appreciated for healing for our good doggie.

Saturday, 2/22/25, Breakfast put on by West Branch CMA chapter at 7:30 a.m., good messages, good food, fun skits and great fellowship with friends

Bill and I welcoming everyone and sharing scriptures
All of our Michigan State Leaders

Jane, Jay, Julie and Phil...Julie and Phil have served as Area Reps for 14 years.  They were being honored.  They just stepped down. They did a great job!  They will still be in CMA but not in leadership 

Jay and Bill
Dave and Chrissy....Our prayer leaders
Jay preaching.  So happy to see such a good turnout
Gayla, Wes, Ron, Barb, Don, Elaine, Cindy and Lew and their granddaughter, Isaac, Bill and Sabrina.....

Lisa and Jeff, our Run for the Son State Leaders
Our CMA Canadian CEO and his wife

Ron with Susie!
Bill with Bill
Bill helping Al and Lucy show items in the Goodies

R U Ready?????  Jesus is coming back!  Jesus is the way, the truth and the life.  No man comes to the Father but by Him
Cute and funny skit about our upcoming Challenge Ride. They all did a great job 

After service we took down the banners, packed all the goodie items up and took down what tables and chairs needed to be put away.  Lots of great helpers.  We went to LumberJack’s for dinner afterwards.  There were 23 of us that met there.
Bill decided to take back roads home by us.  We drove through some pretty deep drifts.  We had no idea it was like that.