Monday, November 16, 2015


Hailey, Papa and I played Sorry.  It took me forever to get out of start.  They were almost all in their homes when I kept getting mine out and getting 4 backwards.  I only had to take one around the whole board.  They only needed to throw the right number to win and I got around and threw the right number first and won.

Hailey watching a movie with us!

After I got up, I started cleaning the house.  Scrubbed the kitchen floor.  It needed it after  making applesauce and having juice spots on the floor.  Got the living room, dining room and foyer cleaned.   When Bill came home he wanted to go to Sam's Club and walk around.  We went and picked up a set of colored LED Christmas lights.  We needed one more for outside.  Picked up two packs of socks to donate to the jail and picked up Jiff Peanut Butter to give to Pastor Ken.  Came home and I cleaned some more.  Got a couple of drawers cleaned out.  Called Melissa to see if it would be ok if I picked the kids up from school.  She said yes, so I stopped at Vikki's for a few minutes and then went to pick them up.  Surprised them and took them to Tim Horton's. Wish I would have taken of a picture of the kids at Tim Hortons.Asked Melissa to meet us there so she could have a Mocha and donut with us.  There was a 12 car pile up accident on Center between State and Brockway.  Praising God that I picked up the kids because she might have been in that spot when the accident happened if she would have left on time.  Hailey came home with me to spend time with us.  We played Sorry and watched a movie.  Ate spaghetti for dinner.  We drove in the car and Bill took the truck and gas cans and we got our 35 gallons.  Gas was 1.98 and we had 80 cents off a gallon, so we only payed 1.18.  YAY   Took Hailey to Ollies after that and then took her home.  Bruce put my shampooer in the car for me.  I was going to take it back until Melissa had time to do the rest of what she needed it for.  Her dad told her that she had time today since I was picking up the kids, so she did it and was finished.  Looked at all of Kenzie's senior pictures and they are amazing.  Such a beautiful girl.  I have 3 beautiful granddaughters!

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