Sunday, November 1, 2015


Got up at 6:45....the time change helped get me up early.  Showered, read my Bible, prayed and made a coffee.  At 9:15 I left for church as I had to teach Sunday School so drove separately so I could get last minute things in the room ready.  Vikki didn't feel good and Peyton was coughing so they didn't come.  Kenzie and Cole were there and sat behind us.  After worshipping, we took communion, then went back to teach Sunday School.  Just had 5 kids today.  They were so precious.  Aleyiah Nelson wanted to pray when it was time to start.  She always loves to pray and prays so nicely.  We learned about the boy who shared gave His lunch to Jesus to share.  After that I gave each kid 2 legos to make something out of.  They were all saying they couldn't make anything with two pieces so they figured out they should share and make something together.  I shared some more legos too.  The boys made something and the girls made something.  They had fun and were really creative.  After church I stopped at Hemmeter's and bought a pumpkin for my turkey on the porch.  Then we went to Bob Evan's and I had a turkey dinner and Bill had a chicken dinner.  Then we went to Jack's to get bananas and some meat.  After that we went to the funeral home for Lori Otter.  The line was so long, we were in it for an hour and then it was out the door still when we left.  Her mom and dad were so sweet.  Her dad told me how Lori always talked about me, Vikki, Peyton, and Isaac and loved getting with us.  They had scrubbies Lori had made into flowers for everyone to take to remember Lori.  I got one for me and Bill got one for Vikki since she was sick and couldn't make it.  Talked to Sheri and Lisa before we left.  So nice seeing them.  Left and came home and did our Bible Study lesson and then watched watched movies.

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