Thursday, January 29, 2009

9/28/09 Hawain Party....lots of fun

Went and visited dad today. Shoveled while I was there and filled his bird feeder.
We probably got about 3 inches of snow. He snowblowed his driveway and his neighbors. What a sweetie he is. Kenzie got home and decided she wanted to play outside. She had fun copying her uncle Jared and making an igloo and then she wanted a candle to put in it. She came in and we ate and got ready to go to youth.
I got ready to go to our Hawian party with our All Stars. The kids had lots of fun and so did we adults. We played musical beach towels, hot potato with kiwi, ring a pineapple, bean bag toss in the hula hoop, limbo, and hula hoop contests. We also had a contest for the best outfit. The kids were so funny when I walked in. They started running to me and said you're going to win the contest. You look really good. They were so sweet. I told them they could only vote for kids, as last time some did vote for me. We made smoothies for everyone and the time flew by.

Grandpa with his had 8 blossoms altogether. He enjoyed watching it grow so much and so did I.

Kenzie and her dog Mocha. They are always excited to see each other after Kenzie gets out of school.


Vikki's Blog said...

Cute mom!!! I love it! you should have won an award.

Melissa said...

You look so cute. Looks like a fun party.

The Daddy said...

what no picture of Kenzie in the igloo. Hopefully it will hold up better than mr I put a staple in my thumb mr safty/soap dispenser

Anonymous said...

Kenzie is going through the don't take my picture phase. She runs the opposite direction or turns her head when I get my camera.