The boys liked the toys. Papa surprised us and came over. He had the boys laughing hard. We all got a good laugh at grandpa. He wanted to watch American Idol and Dancing with the Stars, but they came on at the same time. He told us he fixed the problem though. He carried his tv from his bedroom out to the living room and had it next to the big tv. He was going to watch both shows together. Too funny!!!
We left and had lunch at my house. Then Kimmy groomed Mocha while I played with the boys in the basement. We fixed water pipes and put out fires. Jump ropes were our hoses. Such fun those boys are and such good imaginations. They all stayed for dinner. Vikki came to get Kenzie after work, so they stayed too. We had meatloaf, baked potatoes, corn, peas, fruit, and brownies. It was another nice family dinner.
Dad and I had to leave at 6:30 to go to a little boys showing at the funeral home. It was so sad. I could hardly stand being there. I'm glad he is in heaven and don't need to suffer any more. He was only 6. Dad is downstairs right now trying to knock me out of 1st place in skiing. I'll be busy tomorrow trying to knock him out of first place if he makes it. I posted some pictures of Adam when he spent the night at our house. He was such a good boy. He is sure fun to have around. What a sweet personality. My pictures actually go from the bottom up...where Adam has his suitcase and then up to be in the right order. I boo booed.
Picture board the girls did for my birthday party. Great job!!!
Adam looking at the nice picture boards the girls put together for my birthday.
Adam playing doctor.
Adam trying to figure out out to get the McDonald toy to work.
He loved playing with papa too. He kept trying to crawl up by papa and then get away.
Adam with his suitcase. We were excited to have him all by himself.
Papa loves playing with his grandkids and can really get them laughing.