Wednesday, March 21, 2018

3/21/18..Bill went to the SportsZone. When he got home he told me he had gotten dizzy while there. I met Vikki at the vet, Picked Peyton and Isaac up from school, Picked Max, Jack and Evan from school. Taught my class,

Happy to see these kiddo's today.  Lucy is sleeping in her cage!

Hailey...She shadowed with a freshman at the high school she is going to.  She had a fun time and loved the school

Max and his smile that I love

My class eating their cookies!  Joan had them make these for large group tonight.  They rolled dough and put it around a marshmallow, then sprinkled it with cinnamon and sugar.  Then they baked them and afterward when they ate them, the marshmallow was gone and there was a hollow space in the cookie.  It was to teach them about Jesus and how He was in the tomb and then gone.  He rose from the dead.  Great lesson and wonderful learning experience for the kiddos.

We had a fun relay race tonight in class.  There were two kids working together.  One had to put a bag down for the other kid to step on and then put a second bag in front of it.  They had to do it from one end of the classroom to the other and then change places and come back.  There were 4 kids on the team.  It was close every time.  They had so much fun doing this, but sure were tired afterward.  Love how they love praying when we have our prayer time.
I went to bed late last night, so slept in this morning.  Bill went to the SportsZone, but was dizzy while there.  I prayed over him when he got home and told me.  Vikki called and Lucy's cast came off.  She was at the vet getting a new one put on and they were charging her $35 for it.  She was very sad that they were doing that when it was their fault it didn't stay on.  I was heading there just to be with her and she called and said they were only going to charge her $25.  Still not right, but nothing she cold do.  They put one on and secured it to her back.  Lucy was having a very hard time getting around with it on.  I talked to her later and she was doing much better.   Vikki wasn't feeling good, so I picked the kids up for her.  They were so cute on the way home.  I went in for a few minutes to see how Lucy was doing, and Melissa called and asked if I could pick the boys up in fifteen minutes and either sit a the school or at Vikki's and wait for her to come get them.  I told her I would just take them to her house.  Hailey was at Valley Shadowing a sophomore and she had to wait for her to get out of class, plus take Celeste home.  She still beat me to her house.  The boys and I were talking about all of the miracles and things God had done and how we know He is real!  It was so wonderful hearing them so excited about Jesus.  I picked Evan up and took him to class wit h me.  He set up all the table and chairs for me.  He told me he just wanted to bless me.  What a sweetie.  We had a fun and great class.  Love my kiddos.  

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