Thursday, August 9, 2018

8/9/18...Went to see Melissa at the Rehab. Vikki, Kimmy and the kids came to see Melissa and so did Bill. Took Melissa's roommate outside with us again, Went to our Faith Rider's Meeting, Left early because the guy delivering our Motorcycle was getting close to our house, Love the new motorcycle

Adam, Isaac, Eli, Jacob and Peyton

Eli, Peyton and Isaac playing.  Love Isaac's smile in this picture 

Eli, Peyton a d Isaac having fun

Adam and Jacob
Cute picture of Melissa and her Aunt Debbie when she visited her today

Had a potluck before our Faith Rider's Meeting

So happy the twins came again and were using the seats Gayla and I got them at the shower.
Motorcycle when it arrived

A nice gentleman who believes in Jesus delivered our bike from Alabama.  Didn't charge anything. since he was already coming this way.

Bill is pretty happy and looks so good on it

We took it for a ride right away

Picked tomatoes and then went up to see Melissa right away in the morning.  Watched her do therapy.  She sure works hard and is so determined.  What an amazing girl she is. Helen's neighbor sent her some fresh veggies, so Helen wanted to share with Melissa and me.  I peeled the cucumbers and cut up tomatoes for us, heated two cabbage buns I brought up for them.  We ate together and it was so much fun.  I loved the bread and butter pickles her neighbor sent up but Melissa and Helen didn't.  Vikki, Peyton, Isaac, Kimmy, Jacob, Adam, Eli and Bill all got there at the same time.  We met them in the cafeteria.  We hung out there for a while and then went outside.  It was so nice in the shade and not hot, so I went upstairs to see if Helen wanted to come outside with us.  She did, so I signed her.  They said she had to be back in for her therapy in a half hour so I set my timer.  We had a nice time outside and then the my timer rang I took her back.  Her foot rest got turned somehow and we were working on fixing it and a nice worker came and helped us.  I got her back upstairs five minutes early still.  I went back outside.  We all decided to go back inside in the cool air conditioning.  Everyone left and then I asked Melissa if she needed to rest.  I didn't want her to be too tired for her therapy.  She did so I left too.  Took a little nap when I got home.  The guy was supposed to bring our new motorcycle at 4, but he got stuck in traffic so was running behind. We went to our Faith Rider's potluck and meeting.  Bill led the meeting and then we had to leave early because the guy was near our house.  We took back some mortar for our bathroom floor and got a darker color.  Then we headed home. In about 15 minutes he delivered the motorcycle.  It's beautiful!  We took a ride and it was so comfortable and rides so smooth.  Tried the heated seats and it was so nice.  Will love that in cool weather.

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