Thursday, August 30, 2018

8/30/18 Left for BayShore, Bill rode the motorcycle and I pulled the camper. Set up next to Wes and Gayla

Bill is getting too big for his britches...He bent over and this is the result.  I think Kimmy already sewed the rip on the pocket of the other side.
Got up early and finished packing the camper.  Bill helped carry everything out which was nice.  Left a note for the guys asking them to fix a tile section that bulged in the bathroom shower.  Made coffee for them before I left.  Bill didn’t want to bother them, but Vikki and I thought it should be done right or it would always bug me and I agreed. We left for BayShore.  Bill drove the motorcycle and pulled the little camper behind him, and I pulled our camper. We prayed first of course. I was a little nervous because it is longer than our old camper.  We stopped half way at Tim Hortons.  It’s our tradition.  I was happy the city and expressway driving were over, and I had a nice country drive with great roads the rest of the way.  It started raining even though the app on my phone said it wasn’t going to.  Poor Bill got wet and stopped to put his rain suit on.  We made it safely and everything in the camper was still in place, so my driving was pretty good.  Bill even complemented me on driving it good.
Wes and Gayla are camped next to us facing us which is nice and we have their canopy between us for shade. Our picnic table is under it. What great friends.  Bill helped park people.  They are letting us camp for free and giving us all of our meals for free because we help out here.  Gayla, Elaine, Barb and I set up the War Room for people to pray in.  I went in and prayed for Melissa and some other people and thanked God for what He has done already.  Wes rented a fire pit and we sat by it for a while.  Renee, Dan, Barb, Wes, Gayla, Bill and I played cards. Gayla was the winner.

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