Saturday, June 10, 2017

6/10/17...Picked up Jacob from Melissa's, Went to Eli and Adam's Soccer Game, Brought Jack home with me, Went to Nick's and Kaitlyn's graduation party

I looked out this morning and there were 3 new blossoms on my Hibiscus.  So beautiful!

Jacob and I saved a space for when Kimmy, Jared and the boys came
Jacob and I beat Jared, Kimmy, Adam and Eli to the soccer field.  We were happy when we saw Jared was coming with a smile and a wave

Jack, Adam and Jacob waiting for Eli's game to start 

Such a cute picture of Eli

Eli in action on the soccer field

Jack loved watching the games and knew a lot about soccer.  He can't wait to play!

Eli and his team had pizza afterwards

Eli's coach getting his metal for him

Putting it on

Eli's team was undefeated until today.   They were good sports!

Eli and his coach

We found a shady spot to rest between games
Me and Jacob

Jack and Eli!

Adam, me and Eli

Jack loved helping Uncle Jared get the soccer balls.  Jared got them out of the net and Jack got the other ones

So happy to see Jack have so much fun helping Jared and the team

Adam's game

Game's over!  Adam in the front of the line.  Adam is really kicking the ball good!  

Eli and Jack
Adam, so proud of him and so happy to see him play
Friends from Faith Riders

Jack with Papa on the motorcycle.  Bill drove him up the driveway
Got ready and went to get Jacob from Melissa's.  He spent the night there and Jack spent the night at Kimmy's.  Jacob and I stopped at Tim Horton's and had donuts.  After that we came home and got our stuff and headed for the boy's soccer games.  We were there first and Jacob wondered if I had gotten the number of the field Eli was playing on right.  I called Kimmy and we were at the right field.  We sure were happy when they got there shortly after.  Eli played a good game.  Jack really got into watching it.  Adam's game was at one so the kids ate lunch and then we sat under a tree until it was time for Adam's game.  I love watching them play soccer but it sure has it's tense moments.  Adam asked me to come swimming afterward, but I had two graduation parties to go to.  Bill was home working on the motorcycle to get the shocks on for tomorrow's ride.  He wanted to go to the games but couldn't.  I took Jack and we stopped at McDonald's on the way home.  He ate it at my house and then we left for the party.  We dropped him off at his house on our way home.  Nick's party was at the Falcon's Club and was nice with great food.  Air conditioning was great.   We sat with people from Faith Rider's.  After that we went to Kaitlyn's graduation.  They had good food too, but we were full.
We did eat some watermelon.  Came home and Bill got the shock's working right on the bike for tomorrow.

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