Monday, June 12, 2017

6/12/17...Went to Kimmy's and visited, went for ice cream and swam

Eli, Adam, Max and Jacob swimming!

Eli, Adam with his kitten, Max and Jacob

Love their friendly sheep

Beautiful flowers at Kimmy's

Jacob and Adam's 4 H sheep

Adam and Jacob unloading the Jacob!  They are great helpers
It was hot so we went for ice cream at the Cottage Creamery


Max, Jacob, Eli and Adam enjoying their ice cream

Adam, Nana, Eli, Max and Jacob 

Max in the tree and Eli below

Adam in the tree with Eli watching

Jacob, Eli, Max and Adam

Eli, Max, Jacob and Adam

The boys had fun in the tree!  Jacob was relaxing with his water and popcorn

Adam drawing some beautiful flowers for his mom with chalk


The boys had fun drawing and playing tic tac toe with chalk at the ice cream place

Evan and Jack

Melissa and Hailey

Some animal was eating the blossoms off from my petunias so I put them in a pot on the back porch and planted knockout roses, day lilies and hostas instead

Got up and watered a few plants.  Left for Kimmy's to spend the day.  Max was there and when I walked in he said, "Do I have to go home NOW".  I told him I was spending the day so he could still stay which made him very happy.  He was having so much fun with Aunt Kimmy and the boys.
Kimmy and I had a coffee and then we went out to watch the boys swim.  They sure were having fun floating in the pool.  Kimmy and I walked around looking at her flowers by the house and in the woods.  Jacob showed me their sheep for 4 H.  They are sure nice looking sheep.  After the boys were done swimming, they played with legos.  We ate a yummy lunch and then went to the Cottage Creamery for ice cream.  We ate out on the deck in back.  All of the kids got cups except Eli.  Kimmy and I had waffle cones.  Mine ice cream was melting quickly.  Hard to keep up with it.  Eli's was too, so Kimmy got him a cup to put it in.  They also had free popcorn inside so the boys got some of that.  They had fun afterwards playing in the tree and also playing with chalk.  We went back to Kimmy's and Kimmy and I decided to go out and swim with the kids.  The water felt cold at first but in a few minutes it was great.  We stayed in a long time and had lots of fun making whirlpools and playing games.  Such a blessing for them to have this pool Kimmy found for free.  I sure enjoyed cooling off, getting exercise, and enjoying my family.   It was 91 degrees out today!  I loved seeing Kimmy Card the wool with her new electric Carder.  Loved seeing all of their pottery that they made too.  They got another review that was great and have a five star rating.  They sure do quality work and have great professional service.  Proud of them!   I took Max home with me.  We stopped at my house for a while and then went to McDonalds.  We got lots of free stuff with coupons.  He didn't want to play boy is growing up.  We went to his house and on the way he said he wanted to check on his animals, make sure his legos were still built and then take a nap.  We sure had fun with him and the boys today.  I stopped at Menard's and got some plants to put where my petunias are.  When I got home I dug up the petunias I had just planted and put them in a huge urn.  I planted hostas, day lilies, and knock out roses in front of the house where the petunias were.  Looks so nice and now I don't have to worry about the animals eating my petunias.  Bill went to a meeting at Bay Shore for the board of directors.  He got home around 8:30.  He said it went well.

1 comment:

Lela said...

Thank you for the pictures...It sure takes care of my wondering moments...Wondering what things look like! The pool is awesome. Leave it to Kimmy...she can find anything.