Saturday, July 8, 2017

7/8/17....Read my Bible outside today. Such a nice morning. Went on our motorcycle with Faith Riders to the Maple Grill. Charlie and Sue joined us. I called Stacie and she and Kody came too.

Kody on the was free there and when I started it it went super fast and he wanted off right away.

Gayla, Wes, Matt, Lupe, Sue, Charlie, Bill, Stacie and Kody

Peyton and her Grammy

Book I picked up for the kids in the camper for  79 cents
They had Mad Lib books for 79 cents too.  We just saw them for $4.99 at Cracker Barrel.

We went to the Maple Grill for lunch, then went to Wes and Gayla's to play 3-13.  Wes won the first game.  He beat me by 1 point.  Gayla won the second game.  We had fun playing.  Left there and Bill rested while I went to get some groceries.  There was a fatality on Tittabawasse just past our road a little ways.  A guy on a motorcycle was turning in to Sheridan Arms and the SUV behind him hit him.  He wasn't wearing a helmet and was only 33 years old.  So sad.  The sun was really bright at the time it happened.  

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