Saturday, December 28, 2024

Saturday,12/28/24, 57 degrees today, snow is gone! sorted through some old pictures, Bill got one light done on the jeep, Have new area reps for Saginaw and Flint yay!

Isaac walking on the treadmill while I was FaceTiming so I could see it work
Where did the treadmill go?  Where did Lucy go?  I see one under the couch and one under the table.  Very cool how the treadmill fits under the couch.  I’m so happy for Vikki to have it so handy.
My Crown of Thorns plant is blossoming again
Lots more blossoms and buds on the Christmas Cactus too
All the snow disappeared today!  I don’t miss it.

I slept in until 9 this morning.  Bill was already reading his Bible.  I made a coffee for both of us.  He took his out to the shed with him while he worked on the Jeep Lights. I drank mine while I read my Bible.  I went through a box of pictures today and put them in order and moved them to the right places.  

I’m having to water my plants more often with them in by the kernel burner.   It’s my best spot for plants, so I’m just going to leave them where they are.  

Bill finished the one side of the Jeep, and did a great job.  He is so good at things like that.  
He also got a couple to be new Area Reps for CMA in Saginaw, Bay City plus another area which will be assigned.  They were praying on it and called today to let us know they would do it.  Bill is such a great leader and trains up others to become leaders too.  He was sure the right person to become State Coordinator.  

We had spaghetti for dinner and now will pick out a movie to watch this evening.  


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