Sunday, March 9, 2008


Went to grandpa's this morning and he was feeling great, which I am really happy about. After that, I was off to church. Had fun teaching Sunday School. We came home, ate lunch, and then Vikki, Rody and Kenzie came for a visit. They brought us great chicken salad sandwiches and chocolate cake. Vikki's loves them and has been wanting us to try them. They were delicious. Thanks you very much you guys! Very nice of you. After they left we were off to visit our friend Maynard down the road. Enjoyed out visit. Left and headed to the store, then to get a Concrete Mixer. Soooooo delicious.... Came home and started sorting pictures and looking for one I ran off the other day. Can't seem to find where I got it from, but I searched for an hour so am giving up for now. I wanted to put it on the blog as it was of all the girls and the grandchildrenon the couch. Anyway, no pictures for todays blog. This is short but sweet.


Anonymous said...

I enjoy reading your post even without pictures. I love you very much.

Melissa said...

Me too!