Monday, September 29, 2008


Today I got up and ironed creases in dad's dress pants. Then I did tons of laundry. I was able to hang two loads out on the line which was nice. I went to grandpa's and helped him decide where he wanted to hang another line on the porch.
Took his garbage out for him and headed back home to finish staining the deck. I was working on the deck when I heard Mocha bark. She was in her cage, so I came in to see what she was barking about. I saw somebody at the front door so went to see who it was. It was Rody. He told me he had been to the Christian book store and had bought alot of stuff. Then he showed me the book the Love Dare. We didn't know they actually had that book out. It was from the movie we had just gone to see with the church. Well, he said that copy was for me and handed it to me. I was so happy and it touched my heart so, I cried when he left. That was just so sweet of him to do for me. After we saw the movie we had all commented that it would be nice if they had a book like the one they used in the movie. Such a big blessing that was. Thanks so much Rody. I love you!!! Dad was happy too. I read the first day's dare tonight. Awesome!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jared started reading that book when we were at Barnes and Noble the other day. He said it was very good. That was sweet of Rody.