Wednesday, November 20, 2013

11/19/13 Had Fun Watching Jack and Evan today and having Hailey come to our house after school! Then a great surprise when Kenzie surprised me and drove by herself to come see us.

Went to our Tuesday morning breakfast this morning.  We had 15 people there and we celebrated Charlie's 74th birthday.  Had our devotion and prayer time and good fellowship.  I went to Kroger's to get our turkey for Thanksgiving and free batteries and other items, then went back to pick Bill up.  He dropped me off at Melissa's and I got a wonderful greeting of big hugs from Max, Jack and Evan.
Grandkids hugs are the best!  I watched Jack and Evan while Bruce and Melissa took Max to an appointment in Ann Arbor.  The boys were so good. Jacked loved it when I would catch him and tickle him.  Kept asking me to do it more. Evan plays really good by himself now. Evan used the potty himself, and Jack helped pick up all the toys while Evan napped.  When Evan woke up, we picked up pizza's and came to my house. Drove Melissa's van!  Papa had picked up Hailey from school and took her to get a slurpy.  He was giving her money to give to the Salvation Army Bell Ringer and set his phone up on top of the car.  When he got home he saw his phone still up there.  Thank you Lord!  That's amazing that it didn't blow off on the drive home.  God always watches over us! 

Hailey wanted to play cards so she picked UNO.  She beat me bad.  We both had to draw lots of cards, but all of sudden I had a huge hand full and she had one.  Out she went!  Good thing she didn't want to keep score because I probably would have to have gotten the calculator out.  The boys wanted to watch the movie Homeward Bound II so I put that in for them.  Then we got a great surprise!  Kenzie drove over by herself and paid us a visit.  She just got her license so this was so special for me.  She had gone shopping too.  She had a piece of pizza and yogurt and then had to head back home.  We had some snacks and then Bruce and Melissa came.  Bruce left with Max right away because Max was reading a book he bought on the way home and got car sick and threw up all over. Poor Max.  Bruce took him home so Max could shower.
   Melissa said they took him to a reptile museum to do something special after his appt. and he really loved this book.  He could have spent his money on toys, but wanted this book.  He had so much fun at this museum.  Melissa packed up the kids and went home so she could help Max get at his homework.

Dad and I watched Ozzie and Harriet, then the news.  Mocha always runs to me when she hears me put the foot rest out on the recliner.  Loves to lay down on the footrest by me.  She's so funny.  A good little doggie for sure.


Kimmy said...

Sounds like a fun day! Really amazing that Dad's phone stayed on the car!!! WOW

Vikki's Blog said...

Hailey and Kenzie are starting to look alike kinda...cute pictures!