Thursday, December 12, 2013

11/28/13 Giving Thanks to God on this Thanksgiving Day!

Happy Thanksgiving!  Today I am thanking God for the amazing and wonderful family God has given me.  Also giving thanks for the many great friends God has put in our lives and for my church and church family.  Thanking Him for the benefits He has told me are mine that I'm not to forget in Psalm 103:1-5.  He is always so faithful and so loving!  Thanking Him today for all the blessings in my life and His hand upon Bill and I and our family!

We went for a walk outside and went through the museum at the Shack.  It is very interesting....old cars, tractors, snowmobiles, antiques that brought back many memories of things my grandma and grandpa had when I was little.  The grounds are beautiful to walk, but we didn't go far because there was about 5" of snow.  We didn't bring our boots as there was only a dusting back home.  We played some games, then we had our delicious Thanksgiving meal....turkey, ham, potatoes, gravy, stuffing, green beans, sweet potatoes, rolls, cranberry relish, and salad bar.  I had a pumpkin bar for dessert!  We were so full when we were done!

Called the girls to tell them Happy Thanksgiving and was happy to hear their voices.  Still miss them on the day, even though we celebrate the Sat. before. 

We weren't very hungry but ate a light supper....goulash, chicken casserole, beans, roll, salad.... I didn't take much as I wanted to save room for my banana split.  We all managed to eat our banana splits at even had an extra scoop.  Can you believe that!  I know you can.

It was a great day with great friends!  So much to be thankful for each and every day!  Above all so thankful for our Amazing, Awesome God and for who He is and what He has done.  He has forgiven me, given me eternal life and made me his child!  He has made a way for everyone's sins to be
forgiven and have eternal life by believing in Jesus and trusting Him as Savior and Lord!  Thank You Lord!

1 comment:

Kimmy said...

Are you sure Dad only had one extra scoop? - haha