Friday, November 22, 2013

11/21/13 Today I started preparing for Saturday Thanksgiving Dinner with our family!

Cooked the squash from the garden, made my cranberry relish, got homemade applesauce out of the freezer and into the refrig.  Put on my worship music and enjoyed preparing things for the special day of thanks.  Bill and Charlie went to the show and you can see in the picture the surprise that was waiting on the cupboard when I came down from cleaning upstairs.  Bill got a big kiss for being so thoughtful and I immediately took a break.  Later on Vikki, Kenzie, Peyton and Isaac came over for  visit.  I made up a Little Caesars Pizza I had.  So nice spending time with them.  Bill and I watched a movie and stopped it half way through.  Went to bed and will watch it tomorrow night.


Kimmy said...

Hmmmm? What was on the cupboard? Oh the suspense:) Where's the picture? Can't wait to celebrate thanksgiving together. So much to be thankful for!!! Jacob's thankful for family and to be alive. Adam is thankful for Bob (the cat) and also named off a bunch of family members. Love you!!! Thanks for all your hard work to prepare for today! See ya soon. Jared had to take the van for new tire this morning and then we will be heading your way.

mom s said... sweet Kimmy! So thankful for all of you and all of the rest of our wonderful family!

Kimmy said...

Oh now I see what Dad got you - haha

Vikki's Blog said...

peyton and isaac sure love that doll!