Thursday, December 12, 2013

11/29/13 Heading home

We had eggs, potatoes, sausage, ham, toast, and fruit for breakfast.  Love the food at the Shack!  We packed up and loaded the truck.  Stopped at the Indian museum in Mt. Pleasant on the way back so Chuck could get a DVD he had wanted but they were out of.  They had it so he was happy.  We headed to Cops Doughnuts in Clare next.  Had wonderful doughnuts and coffee with good creamer.
They have a huge selection and such good doughnuts!  Hard to choose what kind to get.

We got home.  Turned the heat up as we had turned it down while we were gone.  After unpacking, I went to Melissa's to pick up Mocha.  Got great hugs and greetings from everybody.  Hailey started making a bracelet.  I saw her working fast on it.  To my great surprise, she finished I and gave it to me.  It is in Christmas colors so I will be wearing it for the holidays.  What a sweetie she is!  This Nana sure loves that girl!

Bill brought the tree up from the basement and had it all set up when I got home.  I spread the branches out and then we put the lights on.  One string was burned out so we quit and decided to finish the next day.  We watched a very touching Christmas movie and then went to bed. 


Kimmy said...

The kids are so little on the side pictures of your blog!

Kimmy said...

Oh and you (I) need to add a few:)