Monday, October 20, 2008


Took Hailey to school this morning. Good thing she knows where to go in her school. She took me right to her room. Her teacher asked her if I was her grandma. Hailey told her yes and the teacher and I introduced ourselves to each other. I told her I could go on the field trip coming up and she said that would be great. She was very nice.
After dropping her off, I went to pick up Champ. He was snuggled sound asleep in his bed. I woke him up and let him outside to go potty. Then we headed off to my house so he could spend time with me and Mocha while Hailey was in school. At first he was restless and kept walking all over. I gave him a couple of handfuls of food and then he settled down. Took him back home, visited with Connie, Mel and Bruce's neighbor and then went to get Hailey. She was looking out the window when I got there. I thought she got out at 11:30 but she gets out at 11am. Good thing I was early. I got there at 10 after. I had planned to sit in the car and read grandma's journal til she was out. We stopped at grandpa's on our way home. Grandpa was happy to see Hailey again. He also told me he felt bad because he didn't thank Kenzie for the card she made him. He said it really was nice and it meant alot to him and he felt so bad he didn't tell her. He was waiting for her to get done playing and then he forgot. He was so sweet and caring about that little girl making that for him. Said it was so thoughtful for her to think of him. Came home and read while Hailey played with the dollhouse. She play so good by herself. We called Aunt Kimmy so she could talk to Max and Jacob. She was happy to talk to them.
We went out later in the rain with our umbrellas to see Kenzie get off the bus. She was really happy about that. She and Kenzie played pretty pretty princess again.
She wanted Kenzie to read her bedtime books to her. Then we had prayer time. Kenzie and her both prayed really good. Now they are both tucked in. Hailey is already sleeping, but I hear Kenzie chomping on ice.


Anonymous said...

Wow, Hailey's hair is long. I wasn't expecting a post so soon. Good job posting. I enjoy reading your posts and seeing your pictures. I love you!!!!!

Melissa said...

I'm so glad you posted every day while you had Hailey. I love hearing about her day. Those pajama pictures of the girls are so cute.