Friday, January 10, 2025

Friday, 1/10/25, Started snowing around 10:30 am. , Kimmy, Jared and Jacob went to check on Jacob’s place in Lansing,, I fed the birds,I shoveled off the deck after about an inch of snow fell, picked Eli up from school,

Blanket Hope gave Adam for Christmas
Had fun watching this Pileated Woodpecker this morning.  There was a pretty cardinal above it

 We got up and Bill had his protein drink and I made a coffee.  We read our Bibles afterwards.  I watched the birds for a while and was happy to see a Pileated Woodpecker on the suet feeder. After it left, I went out and filled the feeders.  I scattered some on the ground too.  I decided to shovel off the deck to get the first layer of snow off.  There was about an inch on it.  It was snowing pretty steady when I got done. I went inside and Kimmy called.  She and Jared were in the van and Jacob was following in his car.  The roads were getting bad.  Kimmy wanted to make sure if they were bad here, that Bill would pick up Adam and Eli from school.  Of course he would. Kimmy said Adam got out of school early because he had everything he needed done and they were letting kids out of school early because of the storm.  He picked up pizzas and was home when she called.  We took the Jeep and went to get Eli so Adam wouldn’t have to drive on the bad roads.  They were bad too!  We were glad we had 4 wheel drive.  We got there and about 5 minutes later Eli came out.  I had texted him that we were there.  It was nice to see him for a little while.  We dropped him off and headed for home.  Then Bill said he needed gas.  We needed to go at the same time to get our $1 off up to 35 gallons at Kroger.  We stopped at our house and I followed him.  He put gas in my ar first and then I ran into Kroger to get carrots, potatoes, and tomato juice to make veggie soup.  The roads were terrible and I was really glad to get home.  

Bill went out even  though it was dark out and plowed the driveways.  I talked to Vikki for a long time and then Kenzie FaceTimed me.  After that, Bill and I are the last of the chili.  Bill called his brother, Fred, and he and Lourdes said Jacob can stay at their place for now.  He’s about 1/2 hour away from Jacob’s college.  We were all thankful.  

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