Thursday, January 16, 2025

Thurs. 1/16/25, Ate breakfast at the hotel, arrived at Best Western in Newton

Community Heights Alliance Church

Went to the church and helped the goodie reps put CMA Shirts and other things on tables in Goodies where we all get to shop. Pat from the UP helped too!  Bill set our stuff out on our Michigan table.  We worked until lunchtime, then checked into our hotel.  We went to a cute diner for lunch.  Paul and Debbie and Pat and Art were there so we talked with them.  We got breakfast and it was
S delicious! We went to Walmart and got pillow cases because Bill accidentally shut the back Jeep door on his pillow and got grease on it.

I texted out new U.P. Goodie reps to let them know the area reps were all getting together at Pizza Ranch at 5. We went back to our hotel and relaxed for a couple of hours.  At 5, we went to the church and met with Jay for a state coordinators meeting.  First we ate pizza they ordered, then we had our meeting in another room.  We went and shopped in the Goodies Store after that. We got some things to give to our chapters for events they do and for bike blessings.All of us got together at 7 to watch the movie, The Forge!  Such a great movie.  I’m going to buy it.  We put another tablecloth on a table a
Head of our long table because we have so many from Michigan here!  Only one couple couldn’t make it.  John Ogden Jr. and his wife Holly are here from Arkansas to share a message
He with us. They are an amazing couple! We cam back to our hotel after that.

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