Friday, January 17, 2025

Friday, 1/17/25, Ate breakfast at the hotel, went to the church, worshipped, listened to Ann’s morning devotion, listened to Jay and the different state coordinators share messages God put on their hearts, Jay had Bill share his vision great lunch and dinner served to us, John and Holly Ogden both gave great messages in the evening, 46 degrees here today and sunny

Got up at 5.  Bill got up at 6.  We got ready, read our Bibles and then went down for breakfast at our hotel. They had really good food!  We headed to the church at 7:15.  It was 30 degrees which is great for here.

We worshipped and the worship team did an amazing job!Ann gave a wonderful devotion, then Lyle spoke, then Jay  spoke, and then Bill.They shared good messages and Bill did a great job sharing the Vision God gave him in 1980, along with a good message on being ready to go along with it. He had many people come up to him afterwards and shared how it touched them and  how they loved hearing it.

We went to lunch in the dining hall.  We had delicious vegetable soup and salad.  They also had tomato soup.We went into Goodies and picked out stuff to give to our Michigan chapters for events the will be having this year.

We heard lots more good messages took breaks then our area reps Goodie reps and us put our chairs in a circle and discussed things we needed to talk about that will be coming up in the riding season.  We also prayed for Doug and Paul who have some health issues.

We went to dinner and had tacos, nacho and rice.  It was really good too!

Holly Ogden spoke next and then her husband, John shared after her.  Holly heads up the international CMA chapters, and her husband is an evangelist.

We left and came back to our hotel.  It got up to 45 today, but when we left it was 30 and super windy Which made it cold.  It was an awesome day learning about how important it is to have a relationship with Jesus and to be ready because he could come any time

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