Monday, January 27, 2025

Monday, 1/27/25, Kimmy came over, I met Maddy for coffee, Vikki came over to visit with Kimmy, Kimmy and I took our tree and Christmas decorations down, Bill had an elder meeting, Melissa came over

Sunrise out the upstairs window this morning
 Christmas stuff put away in the attic
Behind all of those tubs are boxes with the Nativity figures in them

Living room back to normal

Family room back to normal
Bedroom back to normal.  This room had the floor pretty much covered with Christmas tubs and Nativity figurines.   
Dining room back to normal
Bill looking very cool in his leather jacket before he left for the Elder’s meeting.  Keeping in style like the grandsons 

I got up early and got ready to go meet Maddy.  We met at Biggby for coffee and a muffin.  It sure was windy out.  Snow was blowing over the road where the open fields were.  We had a nice time talking and planning.  We are going to start reading a chapter in the Bible each day and then get together once a week to discuss them.  

When I was leaving this morning, Kimmy pulled in the driveway.  I rolled my window down and talked to her for a few minutes.  She said Vikki was almost here.  

When I got home, Kimmy was pretty relaxed in the lazyboy with her favorite blanket of mine over her.  We watched a video of Dennis from Copper Harbor when he made baskets.  I enjoyed watching it.  Boy, he sure is a hard worker, cutting the right trees down and then peeling the bark off, and getting good wood for the basket.  Very interesting.  The baskets were beautiful.  

After we watched that, Kimmy asked me if I wanted to take our Christmas tree down. I said no, but then she said it would be lots easier to do it together, so I changed my answer to a yes.   She worked, making lots of trips  bringing tubs downstairs and taking the decoration filled ones upstairs. I did a few light ones, but she did lots more and some heavy ones.  Then when we had the ornaments put away in all the labeled boxes, she wanted to put all of the other Christmas decorations away.  We did that.  Bill brought in all of the Nativity figurines.  Kimmy wiped off the bottoms of them, then carried them all upstairs.  The room was filled with all the tubs and figurines.  I should have taken pictures.  Thank you so much for all of your help today.  We ate leftovers for lunch.  Kimmy went to leave, but then found out that Eli wanted to stay later and work out at his school.  Bill wanted to play 3-13 while we ate our strawberry jello with strawberries in it.  Yum.  Bill was the big winner, I was next and Kimmy was last.  She had told us before we started playing that she was having a winning streak with Jared.  She sounded kind of sure that she would beat us too.  She had to leave after that.  I sent some plates that were left over from the party for her to take and use.  Also sent ham and dark meat turkey home with her.  It was so windy, with gusts up to 45 mph.  I told her to let me know when she was home.  She did and I was happy to hear it.  

I looked at my pictures, and put everything back on the end tables and shelves.  I took pictures so it would make it easy, and it did.  Then I packed all the nativity pieces in their boxes, and then put all the tubs of Christmas decorations away.  What a great job to have done.  Thank you so much Kimmy.  You are the hardest worker and are so much fun to do stuff with.  

In the evening, Bill went to the Elder’s meeting.  Melissa called and was taking Jack to fencing.  I told her she should come here and wait for him.  She said the roads were getting drifts because of the blowing snow.  She said Midland road was good, but when she went to turn on our road, it was slippery and she slid, then there were big drifts and also it was misting out and freezing.  They need new tires on their vehicle, plus a new wiper on the driver’s side.  She could hardly see at times.   I had been praying for her because I figured it would be bad out when I looked out the sliding glass door and saw that the deck was white with snow.  I was also praying that she wouldn’t get caught in a whiteout.  I was so glad when she came in the door.  We both had a bowl of ice cream.  We come up with a different route for her to take on her way back to get Jack.  She went on country roads and then got back on Midland road.  She called me when she got to the fencing place and told me the roads were much better that way.  She also let me know when she got home. I sure was happy to hear that too.  

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