Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Wed, 1/22/24, -22 with the wind chill today, No school for the kids again because it’s so cold, Got groceries,

Lots of birds at the feeders today.  I just took this picture from in the house.  Didn’t want to go outside only when I had to today.  

Bill got up first.  When I noticed he was up, I got up.  He had made his side of the bed and I didn’t even hear him.  I made my side and then we both did the pillows that go on top of the bedspread.  I set Kit Kat’s food out for her.  She didn’t come to the door.  I left some treats out for her too.  I made a coffee and then read my Bible.  Bill had already started reading his.  I warmed a blanket for Kit Kat and called her.  She came running, so I put it in her igloo and she went in really fast and got comfy.  

I went to Aldi and to Walmart to get groceries I need for the Christmas party Saturday.  They were out of big bottles of Vernon’s.  Everything else got checked off my list.  I had forgot my list at home, but Bill sent me a picture of it so I would know what I needed to get.  I was glad to get home and be where it was warm.  

I talked to Melissa a couple of times and prayed with her.  She had to get a bridge that broke taken care of.  It was a 4 hour appt.  They were concerned about decay underneath it.  Our prayers were answered and she didn’t need a root canal.  Thanking the Lord.  She wasn’t feeling very good when she got home, so we prayed about that too.  She called me a while later and was feeling good and sounded so much better.

Bill and I relaxed and snacked on chocolate covered almonds.  We both wanted to stay under our heated throws.  Kenzie and Rehvyn, Vikki and Peyton FaceTimed with me.  Rehvyn sure walks all over now.  He had the little outfit with the motorcycle on it that we got him.   

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