Friday, July 11, 2008


Today I headed to grandpa's to clean his house and stopped at a couple good garage sales on the way. Found a cute battery charged car and got it for $5. Unbelievable as it is in great ship. It's a cute girl car so Hailey will like it and Kimmy's upcoming twin girls....Found a Fisher Price Barn (the big one) and also a Little one for Kelly's shower. Great buys. I finally made it over to grandpa's and started cleaning. I took a break to bake dog treats for Taylor and when I looked out the window, there was a doe and two fawns standing back on the end of grandpa's property. So beautiful. He had told me about them and how cute the fawn's play together. He was outside washing the birdbath and hadn't noticed them. I wanted to let him know (the doe was just staring at him), so I snuck out the front door and went to where grandpa was. The doe must have spotted me as she was no longer there.
I cleaned some more, than dad called to say he was getting gas for $3.93. Grandpa and I headed there and I filled my car and he filled his gas cans. Got back
to grandpa's and dropped him off. Met Michelle from church for lunch at Applebee's.
Great lunch and company. Pastor's wife, Sherry, was there with Karen, and also Barb Rosteutcher with her husband and aunt. Went back to grandpa's and finished cleaning the house. There were a lot of spots on the carpet, so I decided to shampoo it.
Grandpa was so happy to have clean carpet. He smiled and offered to take me out to eat. Dad was already taking me to Applebees. We had to meet a couple he is marrying at Tim Horton's so decided to eat before we met them. We stopped and got some M & M's and took them to Joel. He wasn't there, so we left them in his room.
Stopped on the way home to look at the hall the couple is having their reception at and ended up going a few miles farther and visiting friends. Met Vikki and Kenzie for ice cream afterwards. They surprised me and each painted me a beautiful bird house. They both did such a wonderful job. Can't wait to set them out tomorrow. Thanks Vikki and Kenzie.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good garage sale. Did Hailey try the car yet? I'm sure the twins will love it:) Glad you found a barn for the shower. I'll keep looking for farm things. Love ya.