Wednesday, August 5, 2015


I am missing these sweet boys so much.  So happy Kimmy is putting pictures on Facebook.

Dad put my odometer on my bike today.  I put my bag and water bottle holder on yesterday.  Took it for a test drive a couple of miles today and it was so nice.  Had my music playing on my speaker in my  bag.  Thanks for the idea Vikki. 

Isaac and Peyton on the Bike Trail
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I have so much fun with these two sweeties!

Dad napping after walking 5 miles and power washing stuff.  He deserves a good rest
I picked lots of beets today and got them ready for the freezer.  Got 12 bags and some for supper too  Mocha tried them and loved them.  Weird dog.  I was really happy when Kimmy and the boys called today.  Loved hearing their voices.  So thankful for cell phones.  That made my day.  Vikki, Peyton, Isaac, Mykenzie, and Maddie met me at the Bike trail to walk at 7:45.  We walked 2 miles. Peyton and Isaac were pretty tired from swimming at Aunt Debbies, but still did pretty good.

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