Thursday, August 23, 2007


Bill went to dad's today, so I stayed home to get laundry, etc. done around the house.

Practiced printing some pictures so I would remember what I have to do to. Kenzie looked through all of her art work from when she was little. She's quite a little artist.

She also got up on the roof with her papa and cleaned out the gutters. She loved it. It made me a little nervous, but it was a job I am sure glad is done. I ran a nice CD of pictures of mom(grandma) today. It is a nice keepsake so I am running one off for each daughter. Now I am heading outside to hoe weeds out of the flower garden.


Anonymous said...

I love the pictures of all the little grandchildren. Jacob and Adam are so fortunate to have cousins and a Nana and Papa that live so close. We'll be seeing the Michigan Kids this weekend. What fun.

Anonymous said...

Thank-you for washing that coat - it looks new. Pictures look great. Love Kimmy