Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Started the day off with our breakfast group. We've been meeting for 7 yrs. now and always enjoy getting together. Came home and made butterhorns which is a family favorite. Bill came home for lunch. I enjoy having him come home for lunch. He gets to quite often now that he has the Chaplain's job. He is really enjoying it and says it is really fulfilling. I am happy for him and very proud of him and how he loves working for the Lord.
Kimmy came and brought the boys so they could get a nap in before trick or treating. I watched them while she ran some butterhorns to my dad and then went to the store to get some video tapes. We were all meeting at Kenzie's Omi's and Poppi's house at 5:30. They always have us over to go trick or treating in their neighborhood and then they have delicious chili, homemade bread, and other good stuff for us to eat.
We had so much fun. They are wonderful and very loving people. We are thankful they are part of our family. The kids were all as cute as could be as you can see from the pictures. Jacob, who didn't want to go trick or treating (he would always say, No, please) found out after the first house that he loved trick or treating.
They were all so cute and they said trick or treat really loud. They had lots of fun. It was misting just a little when we started, but when we were almost done, it started pouring. We all ran for the house, but were soaked by the time we got there. Omi had the towels ready for us and poppi was just getting ready to come find us with the car. Their new baby granddaughter was there too, so we got to see her for the first time. She is beautiful and such a good baby. Such an enjoyable evening.


Anonymous said...

Thank you thank you for the pictures. It sounds like a crazy fun evening.

Anonymous said...

Great picture - I'm so glad you come with us. Love ya!

Anonymous said...

I had so much fun last night. Im so glad you came. Im sooooo happy that I got to be there. It might have rained but it was my funnest year ever trick or treating. All the kids did so good. I cant believe there oldenough to trick or treat and actually do what there supposed to do trick or treating. There growing up too fast. Love ya and so happy ya could go to Omis. I love her,

Melissa said...

Great pictures. I sure had fun last night. I think this was the best year yet.

Anonymous said...

I agree, this was the funnest year ever. I loved watching all the kids walk up and say trick or treat while holding their bags open. Vikki thanks for the bags - I loved all their matching bags and they were perfect in that rainy weather.