Thursday, January 10, 2008


Took dad to the doctor today and got a good report. All his bloodwork and X-rays were good. We're thanking the Lord. I re-stacked the wood that fell. Wanted to get it done before we get snow. They had been saying were were going to get 7 inches. They have now changed that to just rain. We will see. I'm still glad to have the wood stacked. Hopefully it all stays that way. Kenzie enjoyed sewing again tonight. This time I got the camera out while she was at her sewing maching. Go Vikki, for trying so hard to win tickets for Mykenzie. She was so happy you tried. I got a call from Tammy tonight and my sister, Linda's heart stopped. They had to shock it 8 times to get it working again. She was in critical condition but now upgraded to serious. She did move her leg which she hasn't been able to do and is off dialysis. So improvement in that area. Needs more miracles and prayer that her heart and lungs work properly.
We are trusting God. He has already brought her through so much.
Went to dad's and took him and my sister, Jody, to get ice cream. Dad had a banana split and Jody and I had sundaes. Yummy!


Anonymous said...

I continue to pray for Aunt Linda - call me and keep me posted. I love you.

Melissa said...

I'm praying too. God has done many miracles for her already, so I'm sure she'll come through this one too. It's great that she moved her leg and is off dialysis. Hailey always remembers her in her prayers too. Love ya, Melissa