Wednesday, January 6, 2016

1/6/16 Got a lot done today and had fun at Kids Care Group at church

My kids in my class had fun tie dying socks tonight.  Next week they will all wear them!

Jack tie dying his pair of socks 

The kids were happy that I bought some scented markers!

Got the upstairs bedroom cleaned today.  All the Christmas wrapping paper, etc. organized and put away.  Got the cubby hole over the kitchen desk cleaned out too.  Drove dad's truck to my class at church. The kids were really good tonight and had lots of fun.  We learned about prayer.  My kids are great at praying for each other.


Kimmy said...

That would be fun to tie dye socks! Take a picture of them when they're done!

Vikkis Blog said...

Ya I agree with Kimmy!!!