Saturday, August 26, 2017

8/17/17... went for a walk st The campground, it rained so watched movies and played games, golfed, Vikkigot back

Isaac and Peyton on our bike ride


Peyton playing golf

Isaac loved getting under this tree behind Peyton

Peyton and Isaac giving me thumbs up for the dinner I made for them.  Our nice neighbors in the window.
Went for a walk around the campground while the kids rode their bikes.  I kept up pretty well.  It started raining so we let Lenny in the camper and watched a movie about a sheepdog named Mist.  We watched Cars movie too.  We ate lunch and then Isaac and I played dice.  When it stopped raining we went golfing.  Came back and cooked chicken, corn and baked potatoes.  Vikki came back from her job thing she had to go to.  She loved it and had a great time and a good lunch.  She was excited she got this job at the township schools. We ate and then went swimming in the outdoor pool, but it started raining so we went in the hot tub before it started raining hard.  Then we went to the indoor pool.  Got lots of exercise and had lots of fun!

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