Saturday, August 5, 2017

Thursday, 8/3/17....Talent show, three for free table for kids, swimming

Jack singing in the talent show

Mia and Hailey being silly before the talent show

Peyton with her flower in her hair and other thing she got hanging from her head.

Isaac with his teapot he got at the free store

Isaac, Melissa and Peyton

Isaac and Evan

Peyton and Isaac squirting at each other



Max and Jack

Max playing carpetball
Worship in the tabernacle

Isaac, Peyton, and me

Isaac and Peyton

Bill, Melissa and Bruce with their red on

Vikki is watching all of our dogs plus, Misty's, plus hers

Another great day at BayShore. Bill had to go to Ann Arbor to get his throat looked at.  He texted me and said they said his throat was fine and it was allergies.  Praise the Lord!!! We missed him today!  He picked up our 92 yr. old friend, Louise and brought her to BayShore so she could stay with her daughter.  She's been coming to BayShore for many years.  Jack sang in the talent show at BayShore.  He did such a good job and sang really good and nice and loud.  I was so proud of him!   Hailey and Mia did gymnastics.  Hailey was amazing with her flips, cart wheels, splits.  She is a natural and very talented and beautiful.  Melissa, the kids and I went swimming after the talent show.  Peyton didn't want to swim so I put a garbage bag on her foot so she could play with the squirters in the kids pool.  l had to go back to the camper and get Evan's goggles and Peyton's suit, so Gayla said she wanted to watch Peyton.  I told her Melissa was in the pool but was watching her.  Gayla said she would so Melissa didn't have to.  I hurried top speed back to the camper and when I got back, Peyton's bag had leaked and had water in it.  I took the bag off and started emptying it in the pool, but it was dirty water so, stopped.  I took Peyton's boot off and then took her in the bathroom to put her suit on.  Sure should have left that boot on.  It was hard getting her suit on without her putting her foot down, but we managed.  She was happy to get in the pool and swim with Aunt Missy.  After we swam and changed, Wes, Gayla, Peyton, Isaac and I headed over to the train.  Evan came running up to me and gave me a beautiful sprinkler in the package and said he got it at the free store.  Then he ran to his camper.  He gave Melissa a golden leaf and told her it was gold.  We were going to go check out the free store thing.  Max came running with free stuff too.  We got to the free store and it was 3 for free.  Jody at the campground had set up a table with lots of stuff on it and let every kid pick out 3 things.  All the kids were very excited.  Isaac picked out a tiny bottle, a spinner and a teapot.  Peyton picked out a wind spinner, a decorative little container and a flower for her hair.
They were so happy.  They rode the train and then we went back and I made burgers for dinner.  Bill got back just in time to eat.  Then we went to the evening service.

1 comment:

Vikkis Blog said...

I sure love that pic of all the dogs, Its so funny how they are all leaning away from big ol lenny!