Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Sunday, 7/30/17...Fun day with family at BayShore

Isaac in the morning before church

Peyton and Isaac blowing bubbles

Peyton wanted to go in the pool.  Tasha who is a therapist was there to help us get the boot back on if we needed her.  She was at the pool and asked if I needed help with Peyton and she lifted her right up and put her in her stroller for me.  She is really sweet.

Drying off in the sun

Isaac had fun on the blow up things. Poor Peyton couldn't go on them

Isaac in the middle

Wes and Gayla offered to watch Peyton and Isaac while we went to a party at the the Camp Director's house.  Bill is on the Board of Directors so we were invited.  Talk to Mark Karls there.  His wife's dad was 93 and passed away so she couldn't be there.  Met some people we didn't know and had a nice time.  When we were done, Gayla had the kids down at the barrel train and they were happily riding.  There Uncle Bruce was driving so that was pretty cool they thought.  Ryan was driving the second train.  They rode six times!

Bruce, right after he stuck his tongue out when I went to take the picture

Peyton and Isaac by the train station

Peyton was pretty happy

Evan in the front, Max in the 3rd barrel

Peyton and Isaac riding together

Evan and Jack waiting for the train

Cutie Evan

They rode on Ryan's train too

Jack, Isaac and Peyton on this train


Evan and Jack

We went to church and the kids went to their classes.  Afterwards, we ate, had rest time and then went swimming.  We had a meeting to go to so Wes and Gayla kept the kids for us.  They loved riding the train and playing at our camper.  Peyton made friends already.  I worked in Melissa and Tasha's 3 yr. old class in the evening when the service was going on.  One little girl didn't want her mom to leave.  Melissa got her to quiet down and stay by her.  The loved playing in the sandbox, but one little girl didn't want anyone touching her or anybody getting sand on her.  She would get really upset.  After class, we went for ice cream.  Peyton and Isaac loved that.  I didn't eat any but sat there while Bill and them did.  We saw Hailey and she came and watched Peyton and Isaac while we went to Wes and Gayla's to play cards with them and Becky and Dave.  It was fun!  Came back and walked Hailey home.

1 comment:

Vikkis Blog said...

That sure was nice of Wes and Gayla to keep the kids for you guys!