Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Today I first checked blogs, then went to my breakfast group. After that I headed to the Dollar Store, then to grandpa's. I spent time with grandpa, then left to come home and let Mocha out before going to have lunch with Aunt Vikki. Grandpa told me to tell Aunt Vikki hi, which was very sweet. It made her happy and me too. We had a good lunch and wonderful time sharing. I always enjoy our visits. She gave me some very cute pictures of Ava. We are making plans to go with her and Uncle Terry to meet Ava and then go out to dinner sometime this summer. She sent gifts for Jacob and Adam's birthdays. She made the gift bags and they are so cute. She always is so talented and creative. I went back to grandpa's and while I was there, 3Tom turkeys came right up to his bird feeder. It was really neat because we had the window open with no screen. What a view. He is trying to talk me into hunting with him in the fall. I don't think I could ever have the heart to shoot one though. He wants Jared to take up turkey hunting also. Melissa called and said Hailey's school fun fair was today. Bill and I went and it was so nice. So many nice games and so fun to watch Hailey and Max play them. Jack was so good. We ate hot dogs and nachos and the very best donuts ever. The school made them. I got home and watered the garden while dad did paperwork for his job.


Kimmy said...

Thanks for posting. I enjoy reading about your days.

Eric said...

I dont know if Jared should go turkey hunting we know how good of a shot it is from 10 feet or less when trying to shoot the skunk?? Probably wouldn't even come close to the turkey.

Penny said...

Maybe I should fill my dad in on this inside information about Jared.