Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Went to the Red Barn then to visit dear friend Louise!

 We picked these donuts up at Turner Donut Shop before we went to the Red Barn for Breakfast.  We took them in with us for our dessert.  I put dad's hat in the picture so you could see how big they are.
Thought the kids would like to see this alligator ride in the Red Barn.
 This where we ate breakfast.  Dad and I had egg sandwiches and coffee and donuts of course.
 I took these pics inside so you could see the size of the isles in the Red Barn.  There are many many aisles and they go for a long way each way.

 Outside they have beautiful flowers...and
 Vegetables too.  You walk and look for the best deals then buy at that stand.  Those in the blue boxs are strawberries.

They also have lots of other items outside too.
 We had a nice visit with sweet Louise.  She is 90 but is a young 90 like my dad was.  She prepared a feast for us and had her good dishes out.  Moved her to recliners to the kitchen and moved her table to the living room so we could have lots of room. Her daughter and husband came to eat and spend time with us too.  We also played 3-13.
 This is Louise's Florida place.  It's very nice.
 This is more of the park she is in.
 Joel and Louise.  Wish I would have gotten the whole picture in behind Joel.  Louise Embroidered it.  She's talented like Aunt Carol.
 Louise when we went for our walk.  It was 92 degrees.  Below is Becky (Louise's daughter) and Dave's place. After we left, we went back to the resort and swam for a while. A cute 6 year old boy was in the pool and he was a talker and adorable.  Made me miss my grandchildren.  Ate, then watched the sunset, then watched a movie.


Kimmy said...

I didn't know (or forgot) that Louise had a place near where you are. I LOVE YOU!!!!

Vikki's Blog said...

Haha Kimmy, I forgot or didnt know too. haha
Mom I love that you are bloging so much!
Those doughnuts sure look yummy! WOw they are huge!
That place looks amazing!
Thats alot of strawberries haha
Nice flowers, cant wait for spring!
Louise sure has a cute little place! I would love to see the inside! SHe is so cute, so is Gayla, and Joel. So is Wes, and Dad and you haha!
Love and miss you! Cant wait til we can touch! xoxo

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

Love you both too! xoxoxoxoxoxo

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

It's so easy blogging with dropbox. Love it!